DARE #03 - Sonic & Friends: Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: Caro06M



I dare everybody to watch the story mode to Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, and then tell us about your opinions on it and your favorite characters, as well.



Sonic: Oh, I already beat this game.

Knuckles: Yeah, me too.

Tails: Me three. But let's watch it 'cause it's a dare. (plays the video on his computer)




Silver: Hey, is it just me, or does the beginning of this makes our time during the war look like nothing?

Blaze: It's... It's just you, Silver.

Amy: Hmm, the storyline's good and the graphics are also good, too, I'll give it that.

Knuckles: Now I don't see why our crossovers with the Mario gang can be like this.

Tails: Do you really think that the Mario gang will enter a world war?

Knuckles: By looking at their games, no.

[Video ends.]

Sonic: That last scene made me wonder if there's going to be another Marvel vs. Capcom game.

Silver: Now that you mention it, I also wonder that, too.

[Everyone started to think about it.]

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