DARE #79 - Sonic: Can't Say "No"

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog

FROM: GlichytheHedgehog



I dare Sonic to do the "Can't Say "No" To (blank) For 24 Hours" challenge with Amy. What I mean is you aren't allowed to say "no" to Amy for 24 hours.



Sonic: Uh, what!?

Knuckles: (laughs) Oh, this is gonna be fun!

[Amy runs into the room.]

Amy: Sonic! They're doing a light show at Twinkle Park! Do you wanna come?

Sonic: Uhh... S-sure, why not?

Amy: Really? All right, let's go!

[Amy grabs Sonic by the hand and then they ran out of the room.]

Knuckles: Oh, they're gonna have lots of fun today, I guarantee that.

[Time Card: 24 Hours Later.]

[Sonic was lying on the couch feeling exhausted.]

Tails: So, how did it go with you and Amy, Sonic?

Sonic: It was exhausting! After we went to that light show at Twinkle Park, we went to the movies, rode on a horse-drawn carriage at the park, and we even watched the sunset at the beach. Not to mention it was so boring!

Knuckles: (teasingly) Yeah, I'm pretty sure you two had a real fun time.

Sonic: Oh, zip it, Knuckles! You're lucky she didn't ask me to marry her!

Tails: Hm. True.

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