DARE #70 - Tails: Gender Bender + Playing Cupid

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TO: Miles "Tails" Power

FROM: GlitchytheHedgehog



I dare Tails to make a machine that'll turn Shadow into the opposite gender. Tails, you then have to hide behind somewhere when you hit Shadow with the machine. Once that is done, you then have to tell Sonic who to kiss. And also, Shadow must not know that it was you who turn him into a girl, and you can't tell anyone else. This will be our little secret. And Sonic, I also dare you to kiss whoever Tails said.



[Shadow was walking down the street until Tails was hiding behind a building. He pulls out a ray gun, and uses it on Shadow by turning him into a girl.]

Shadow (Female): What the hell!? Not again!!

[Time Card: Three Minutes Later.]

Sonic: Do I have to?

Tails: Yes.

Sonic: (groans) Fine.

[Sonic was running up to Amy.]

Amy: Oh, hey, Sonic. How are y--?

[Sonic surprisingly kisses Amy and he runs off, leaving Amy speechless.]

Sonic: Happy?

Tails: Yes. But first...

[A few seconds later, Tails hides behind another building and uses the ray gun to turn Shadow back into a man again.]

Shadow: Now that's better. (walks off)

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