QA #99 - Sonic & Friends: Global Currency

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: hmblebun



How much is a single Mobium in Earth currency?



Vector: (gasps) Ooh! A question about money! Just how I like it.

Tails: (chuckles) Right.

Silver: Uhh, a single what in Earth currency?

Knuckles: Yeah, I didn't get that, either. But he basically wants to know what's the primary global currency used on the planet.

Silver: Oh.

Tails: Hmm, if my hunch is correct, I believe the primary global currency is around... 50 trillion rings?

Sonic: 50 trillion!?

Tails: Well, that's how I remember it. I don't know the current total.

Amy: Okay, then.

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