QA #86 - Sonic & Shadow: Thoughts About Sonadow

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Shadow the Hedgehog

FROM: penelopesims



This question is for Sonic and Shadow the Hedgehog. What are your thoughts on Sonadow?



[Sonic and Shadow looked at each other and shudders.]

Shadow: We rather not talk about it.

Rouge: Come on, you two have to.

Sonic: (groans) Fine. W-well, It's sort of... well... creepy.

Shadow: And for the record, we're not gay, nor do we have romantic feelings for each other!

Sonic: Yeah, and I like to know why am I always the girl in the relationship!

Shadow: Well, it'd be weird if I was the girl instead.

Sonic: (sighs) Yeah.

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