DARE #76 - Sonic & Friends: Alignment Reversal

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: Shadowfan2008



I dare everyone to switch from good/evil to evil/good (depending on what they were before).



Tails: Okay, here we go.

[Tails pressed a button on a machine that made the heroes act evil, and the villains act good.]

Knuckles: (laughs evilly) So this is what it's like to act evil. It's so awesome!

Dr. Eggman: And this is what it's like to feel good. It feels like I have a pure heart instead of an evil one!

Sonic: And with this machine, we can make everyone in the entire world all evil!

Metal Sonic: No! We won't let you!

Amy: Try us!

[The villains (heroes) all ran out of the room with the machine, and the heroes (villains) were chasing them.]

[Time Card: 30 Minutes Later.]

[Tails was forced to press the button on the machine that made the heroes switch back to good, and the villains switch back to evil.]

Sonic: Wow. Who knew that being a villain sucks?

Knuckles: Yeah.

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