DARE #84 - Sonic & Friends: Modern vs. Boom

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: GlichytheHedgehog



I dare everyone to watch "Modern Vs Boom Volume 1" by shadow759 on YouTube.



Sonic: Uh, what?

Amy: It's basically a compilation videos of us battling our Boom selves.

Tails: That's strange. But oh, well. (plays the video on the monitor) Here we go.




Shadow: Did they really have to make me say that at the beginning of the video?

Sonic: Yes, yes, they did.

Tails: First up, Shadow vs. Shadow!

Shadow: Yep, it's like what I said, my Boom self is more brutal.

Knuckles: Yeah, for a short amount of time.

Shadow: Oh, zip it!

Amy: Next up, Sonic vs. Sonic!

Tails: Wow! That battle is something that Sonic and Shadow could do!

Sonic: I know, right?

Knuckles: Whoa! What the hell just happened there!?

Shadow: I have no idea.

Sonic: Next up, Tails vs. Tails!

Knuckles: Wow. Tails is quite the ladies' man, isn't he?

Tails: So, I've been told.

Amy: Whoa, a plane battle!? Sweet!

Tails: Uh-huh.

Shadow: Next up, Knuckles vs. Knuckles.

Knuckles: Okay, this is the weirdest battle that they put me through.

Sonic: Yeah, and your Boom self is a total idiot.

Knuckles: Uh, you think I don't know that?

Sonic: Just saying.

Tails: Next up, Amy vs. Amy!

Shadow: Of course, it would start in a public environment.

Amy: And it's so unfortunate that I never got to confess my feelings for Sonic in Sonic Boom! And besides, I would never hide it so severely, just like how a tsundere would.

Sonic: Yes, Amy. We know that.

Tails: Wait, was that Metal Sonic!?

Shadow: (eyerolls) Oh, brother. I wonder how that would go.

Knuckles: Next up, Rouge vs... Whisper?

Amy: What? But Rouge didn't appear in Sonic Boom. And Whisper was introduced in the series after the franchise was cancelled.

Tails: I guess it's just part of this series, I think. But anyway, let's just watch it.

Shadow: Now this is a battle of two equipped women.

Knuckles: And talk about flying colors.

Sonic: And lastly, Metal Sonic vs. Metal Sonic.

Knuckles: Umm, okay, I can't tell which Metal Sonic is who.

Amy: One looks more metallic than the other.

Knuckles: Oh.

Tails: Okay, now that is one deadly battle.

Shadow: Yeah.

Sonic: Hold on, there's more?

Knuckles: What the hell? What's Lyric and Infinite doing there!?

Tails: I don't know. But I guess we'll have to wait until part two.

Amy: Oh, okay.

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