QA #10 - Sonic & Friends: An Ideal Christmas Gift

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: AmandaGreengrass



A question for the team. Do you guys celebrate Christmas? If yes, what will be your ideal gift?



Knuckles: You know, I've always wanted to get the PS5 ever since it came out!

Sonic: And I'm getting the new Xbox Series X.

Tails: Hmm... I don't know what to get this year.

Amy: Yeah, they haven't made anything good this year since the pandemic started.

Blaze: Oh, come on, guys. Christmas isn't all about presents, it's really more about being with those who are important to you.

[Team Sonic shared dull glances.]

Team Sonic: (bursts out laughing) No, it's about presents.

[Blaze sighs in disappointment.]

Amy: Blaze, just don't.

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