QA #105 - Doctor Eggman: The Laws of Mobius

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TO: Doctor Eggman

FROM: water-melon69



I have a question for Eggman (sorry for it being so long). Did you know that if the laws on Mobius are anything like the laws on Earth and you were caught by the police or something like that, you'd be facing multiple charges, such as...

Destruction of government and/or normal property, animal abuse, child abuse (Sonic Team ages 17 and under), abuse (Sonic Team ages 18 and above), probably domestic abuse (for the robots like Orbot, Cubot, Decoe, Bocoe, etc), attempted murder (Sonic/others), and probably third-degree murder (manslaughter)? Because let's face it, some people probably didn't make it out of the buildings you destroyed with your robots and resisting arrest, just to name a few (or all, idk that much about law and charges).

And just to be clear, third-degree murder or manslaughter is when there was no intention of killing someone while committing a crime. And the only reason it's not first degree (where you plan and do kill someone) is because you haven't killed Sonic/others. Again, sorry for how long this is.



Dr. Eggman: Yes, I know about the laws of the planet. And I should know, I was arrested once. And for the record, I am not a murderer!

Team Dark: Oh, really!?

Rouge: Does the "exploding capsule from the ARK" ring a bell?

E-123 Omega: Or that Chaos Energy Cannon you used to break the Earth into pieces?

Shadow: Or the war that you started almost four years ago? You even had Sonic imprisoned on the Death Egg for six months!

Dr. Eggman: Y-yeah, but hey, no one didn't actually die from those moments.

[Team Dark flatly agrees with Eggman.]

Dr. Eggman: Yeah, my point, exactly.

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