DARE #13 - Sonic & Friends: Elements of Chaos (Part 02)

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: GlitchytheHedgehog



I dare everyone to read my "Elements of Chaos" book that I told you to read the description of. Read from beginning to end, but also react to each and every chapter.

Oh, and they also have to say their favorite part in the book, as well.



Tails: Okay, here we go.

[Time Card: 20 Minutes Later.]

Knuckles: Wow. It's so... descriptive. But does she have to make me be related to the ponies from that show?

Sonic: And I thought the videos by AnimatedJames were weird.

Amy: Yeah, and she also wants us to know our favorite part in the book.

Sonic: Well, I liked the party part. Don't you, guys?

[Everyone agrees with Sonic.]

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