DARE #77 - Triple S: Battle Royale!

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TO: Sonic, Shadow, and Silver the Hedgehog

FROM: Shadowfan2008



I dare Sonic, Shadow, and Silver to fight each other in a Battle Royale.



Sonic, Shadow, and Silver: It's on!!

[In an arena, the hedgehogs were fighting each other.]

Sonic: Take this!

[Sonic uses a Spin Dash to knock both Shadow and Silver on the ground. Then Silver uses his psychokinesis on Sonic and Shadow and spun them around and then threw them to a column. But then, Shadow teleported behind Silver and roundhouse kicked him upside the head.  And then, Sonic uses his Spin Dash again and charges at Shadow, but Shadow teleported just in the nick of time, teleports behind Sonic, and kicks him to another column. While they were fighting, everyone else was watching them from the bleachers.]

Knuckles: Who do you think's gonna win?

Amy: (waves her money in the air) My money's on Sonic!

Rouge: I bet on Shadow.

Blaze: Mine's on Silver.

Tails: Okay, let's see the results.

[They continued watching Sonic, Shadow, and Silver fight each other.]

Shadow: Okay, enough of this! (starts glowing red) Chaos... Blast!!!

[Shadow uses Chaos Blast to knock both Sonic and Silver on the ground, and they were both struggling to get up.]

Shadow: (does a victory pose) Heh. Was there every any doubt?

Rouge: Shadow wins! (holds her hand out) Now pay up!

[Amy and Blaze angrily gave Rouge their money.]

Rouge: (counts the money) Nice doing business with you, ladies.

Knuckles: (eyerolls) Oh, brother.

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