DARE #78 - Sticks: A 30 Minute Kiss?

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TO: Sticks the Badger

FROM: GlichytheHedgehog



I dare Sticks to kiss Dave for 30 minutes.



Sonic: Wait, what!?

Knuckles: Now that's disgusting!

[Amy walks into the room with Sticks, who's wearing a strait jacket, has handcuffs on her legs, and is feeling hallucinated.]

Tails: Why is Sticks wearing a strait jacket?

Amy: Well, I've placed hand cuffs on her legs. But she tried to take them off, so I also put a strait jacket on her so she wouldn't move her arms.

Sonic: And why is she feeling woozy.

Amy: It's laughing gas. Don't worry, it'll last for either twenty or thirty minutes, I can't remember.

Knuckles: Okay, then. Ready, Dave?

Dave: Let's just get over with.

Tails: Okay. (pulls out a timer) Three, two, one, go!

[Tails pressed the timer as Sticks and Dave started kissing.]

Amy: Let's just hope that the laughing gas will wear off after this is done.

Sonic: Don't worry, it will... I hope.

[Time Card: 30 Minutes Later.]

Tails: Three, two, one. Okay, times up!

[Sticks and Dave stopped kissing. Then the laughing gas wore off and Sticks was back to normal.]

Sticks: Huh? Where am I? What's going on? (notices Dave) No!! Get away from me!! I'm not going to kiss you!!

Knuckles: You just did, Sticks.

Sticks: What!? Eww!!!

Sonic: Wow some things never change.

Tails: I agree with you on that one, Sonic.

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