DARE #51 - Rosy: A True Love's Kiss?

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TO: Rosy the Rascal

FROM: Winxlunar



I dare Rosy to kiss Scourge on the lips. This is what he gets for calling my stuff "sappy"! And as for Sonic, Shadow, and Silver, they have to record it all and then post it everywhere.



Scourge: (scared) N-no, please, I'm sorry!!

Rosy: Yes!!! Thank you!!! (applies some red lipstick on) Ready, my darling hedgehog?

Scourge: I swear to Chaos, don't touch me!!

Rosy: (runs towards Scourge) Too late!!!

[Rosy jumps on Scourge and kisses him randomly.]

Scourge: Ahh!!! (now is struggling to break free) No!!! Stop it!!! Eww!!! I said stop it!!! Get off of me!!!

[Sonic, Shadow, and Silver was recording and taking pictures of it on their phones while laughing.]

Sonic: This is so trending material!

Shadow: You got that right!

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