QA #08 - Sonic: The Game Awards

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog

FROM: Caro06M



Sonic, how did you react at both the Game Awards, and in Sephiroth's trailer?



Sonic: Well, about the Game Awards, it was quite exciting. And I just hope that we get into the Game Awards next year.

Knuckles: If you ask me, it was the most boring three hours ever! But hey, that Sephiroth trailer for Smash was cool!

Amy: Cool!? Not only did he sliced Galeem in half, but he almost killed Mario!! Now I see what kind of crap Cloud has to put up with that snowy-haired monster!!

Cream: Yeah! I don't see why they put someone like him in the game!

Tails: Ridley killed Samus' parents and he's a fighter. So, I don't see what the big deal is.

Amy: Yeah, but... But... (sighs) There isn't.

Tails: Excatly.

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