QA #26 - Knuckles & Shadow: Assist Trophies

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TO: Knuckles the Echidna and Shadow the Hedgehog

FROM: Nether_Brick9



Knuckles and Shadow, how does it feel to be an Assist Trophy in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate instead of being a normal fighter?



Shadow: It stinks!!! I deserve to be a fighter, not be the side dish to an entrée!!

Knuckles: Hey, it's not that bad. At least we're in the game.

Shadow: (sighs) Yeah. But I'm a better Assist Trophy than you.

Knuckles: (stammers) Excuse me!? I attack the fighters with a Spin Dash and from underground! All you do is slow them down and freeze them with Chaos Control and let someone else do all the fighting.

Shadow: Still better.

Knuckles: (eyerolls) Whatever.

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