DARE #40 - Sonic & Friends: Video Reaction (Part 02)

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: AmandaGreengrass



I dare everyone to watch this video and to also react to it too (P.S: Silver, this is where I said that you nearly do all of the screaming. P.P.S: You also might need to translate it, too, as it has a bit of Spanish in it). And also try to dance the dance at the end of the video, as well.



Tails: (plays the video on his computer) Okay, here we go.




Knuckles: Okay, the first one almost gave me a heart attack!

Silver: Yeah, me too!

Amy: Did they make a mistake or something? I mean, why did they put our hands through our heads?

Blaze: Well, they mostly put humans in these kinds of videos. So, I guess it's kinda weird if they use us instead.

Rouge: Hm. True.

Sonic: Well, it's time for us to dance.

[Everyone started dancing.]

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