QA #18 - Shadow: Role Reversal

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TO: Shadow the Hedgehog

FROM: GlitchytheHedgehog



Shadow, what if you were born, and you were the one with N.I.D.S., and Maria was the one created? Basically, you and Maria would've swapped roles. How would you feel about that?



Shadow: Hmm... I guess it'll be a little weird at times. I mean, me as a human and Maria as a hedgehog is one thing. But me getting killed and Maria becoming an anti-hero really defies the laws of nature.

Rouge: Well, I think it's a little cute. I mean, you and Maria having a big brother/little sister-like relationship. That's adorable.

Shadow: What are you talking about? I've always been a big brother to Maria.

E-123 Omega: Sure, for someone who was created after she was born.

Shadow: (sighs) Yeah.

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