QA #73 - Sonic & Friends: In Sonic Boom...

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: Shadowfan2008



Hi! To all the Boom characters: What do you all think of your Sonic Boom selves?



Sonic: Well, it's one thing to make me act so egotistical. But they also made me act so snarky, grouchy, annoyed, and hot-tempered most of the time! They made me act like Shadow!

Shadow: Hey!

Tails: Hmm, I can't honestly describe if I acted the same in Sonic Boom or not.

Amy: Well, for me, they always make me act so snarky and bossy and belittle you all. And why did they make me care about Eggman of all people!?

Knuckles: Not only did they make me look all tall and over-buffed, but a major idiot as well! And for the record, I know how to read, I don't eat napkins, and I can tell both Sonic and Tails apart just fine!

Shadow: Well, they made me act a little more brutal than usual. But unfortunately, I only appeared in the littlest of Sonic Boom.

Dr. Eggman: And they always make me call out my robots for every stupid thing, like a chili dog!

Sonic: Well, let's hope that in Sonic Prime, they make us act like ourselves.

Everyone: Yeah!

Tails: Oh, Sonic, I forgot, it's been twenty pages, you can walk now.

Sonic: Really!?

[When Sonic got up from his wheelchair, he noticed his leg wasn't hurting anymore.]

Sonic: Thank Gaia, I can run again!!! (runs off)

Amy: (giggles) Good ol' Sonic's back... Well, sort of.

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