QA #37 - Sonic & Friends: Archie or IDW?

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: AmandaGreengrass



To Everyone: Which do you prefer, the Archie series, or the IDW series? Because I've read some of them and I just can't decide! I'm just asking for your guys' opinions on them.



Amy: Well, if you like both of them, then that's fine. Everyone has something they like and something they don't.

Silver: Yeah, and the IDW comics are intriguing. I mean, we have some new friends and new enemies in them.

Knuckles: Yeah, and that Zombot arc was long, yet shocking.

Tails: True, and the Archie comics are quite special, too. It features almost everyone and everything from past games and TV shows.

Sonic: Yeah, and I think both comic series have some inspiring stories.

[Everyone agrees with Sonic.]

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