Chapter 70

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Two suited men sit across from me. I pull my jumper tighter, it's so cold in here.

They shuffle their files and clear their voices. I've been waiting a few hours for them to come in and get my statement.

'Safe Tierson, otherwise known as Paige Williamson, two missing identities, one girl behind them.' The middle-aged man remarks 'now let's start, do you prefer being called Sage or Paige' his tone is patronising, I try to brush it off and be polite.

'Please call me Sage,' I tiredly sigh, 'I just want to go back to my life,' my shoulders slump as I think of all the time I've been away from my Mom.

'And which life is that? Your life as Graham Winthrop's goddaughter? Or being the feared Jason McCann's partner?-'

'I was not his partner?! He held me captive for months!' I burst, caught off guard by his unsympathetic attitude. 'I- you have no idea what I've been through!' Tears well up in my eyes, I wipe them away with my sleeve.

'Well tell us, every detail.' He replies bluntly, unaffected. His partner sits quietly, noting our interaction.

'Wha- what do you want to know?' I sniffle, the quiet agent passes me some tissues.

'First, explain how you ended up Westover, the small town in Maryland you appeared in? And where you have been for the past 6 months.' He watches my reaction carefully, analysing my response.

'Locked inside that darn bunker! You guys must have found it by now? I told you where to-'

'Yes, we have inspected the bunker Miss Tierson.' He interjects, 'Tell us how you ended up in there,' he folds his arms.

'Well... it started when... hmm. Well-' I don't even know where to start...

'Come on, spit it out girl,' the agent spits out.

'I just- now that I think about my life for the last year, it sounds crazy.' They raise their eyebrows, 'And you guys already don't seem to be taking me seriously. Why am I even here? Can't I just go home?'

'Graham Winthrop was assassinated, and you were in close contact with him the last few months. Not to mention the fact you are THE HEIR to his billions. So please tell us, where have you been and how did you get there Ms Tierson,'

'I'm a suspect?!' I finally realise, shocked by the accusation.

'We cannot give information about a current investigation, so please, speak,'

'Ok fine! It all started when I went on the Paris school trip...' I explain how I had feelings for Sam, and that the trip was going to be my last time seeing him and my friends. So I made the most of my last opportunity with him. The middle-aged men try to hide their distaste at the detailed romance. 'My back flight got delayed, which now that I think about it, it must have been Jason in all of his anger. Jason found out and he got violent with me... He took me from the airport and... somehow his bodyguard, Tony, managed to rescue me and put me in the bunker.'

'Tony can verify this?'

'Tony ah- Tony is dead, Jason killed him when he found out Tony hid me. That's what Jason told me anyways-'

'Jason told you?! You've seen him?!' The agent interjects again.

'NO-no! There was a phone line which Jason would scream at me on.' I am tired, did they not see anything in the bunker???

'Tell us more about your time in the bunker.' He instructs

'Tony left a manual with explained everything, so I've been living off of beans and soup for the last half-year.'

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