1: Curiousity

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Jason's POV:

It's late.

The streets are empty, the stars are out, the passing buildings are dark. Lifeless. Empty. No one's on the streets, they're at home sleeping, or other nightly activities.

I should be one of them, sleeping or fucking, but I'm not. I'm driving home through Washington, after a surprise visit to a 'friend' of mine that's been digging his grave for the last few months, thinking he can try and screw me over... dumb ass. Safe to say I put a bullet in his head, while he was on his knees begging like a bitch.

I left his body there for his wife to find, and the rest of his neighbourhood. The front lawn of his suburban home. That ought to remind everyone what happens if you mess with me.

'Boss,' my bodyguard Tony says, interrupting my train of thought

'What.' I grunt

'They're running low on fuel back there,' Tony's sitting in the back while I drive, he's a big man, barely fits in the back seat of my Lambo, 'They're asking to stop at the next gas station.'

'Fine. I feel like a smoke anyway.' I reply

A black truck has been following me, inside are my men, they do what I tell them, and they know better than to defy me. They come with me when I do these types of things.

I see the gas station approaching me, blinding white lights amidst the dark, asleep town. It's a cookie-cutter chain one, it looks new and cheap, too bad there's no one here to buy a bj from.

I pull in and double park my baby on the bitumen. Those goons better be quick, I need to get back and fix that Jonsey situation, that bastard is a pain in the-

Who the fuck is that...

This pretty young thing walks past my car, wearing what looks like the first thing she grabbed from her closet. Trackies and a hoodie, I can get an idea of her curves from here, but damn her face...

'Hey boss,' Tony says from behind me

'What Tony,'

'Mind if I get a water and do a sweep of this place?'

'Go for it'

He manoeuvres out of the car, making his way to the service station. My attention is brought again to this girl, at the moment I can see her looking in the aisles for something. She stops. I guess she found what she's looking for. The way she moves, it just... I don't know, it gets me.

I see her line up with her mystery items that I can't tell what it is. Tony's still looking around, observing, assessing, trying to find any potential threats. I trust that man with my life, he's good at his job, and it would be a shame if I had to kill him.

He used to be a street boxer but then went into security as he became older. I found him and he stuck. He does what I say and doesn't poke his nose around or challenge me. I pay him well and let him off whenever I can, then he gets to go home to his wife and kids. I respect him, and he respects me. I can't say that for many other people.

She goes up to the counter and unloads her items. I wanna see her up close, ugh, why am I thinking this way... I get out of the car and walk over to the service station, this fucking girl...

Authors note:
Hi guys, hope u enjoyed my first chapter, please vote and comment!!
Btw this story starts off in Jason's point of view but then changes to mainly the girls pov,
Thanks for reading!!!
Jenny xx

gang leader's prisoner (18+)Where stories live. Discover now