Chapter 52

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⬆️ Graham's Lounge Room⬆️

Sage's POV:

I don't belong here, I should have just stayed home with Jason.

Linda, that bitch! How could she say all those things to me! I thought upper-class people were meant to be polite??

I've barely even begun my act as Graham's goddaughter and I've already run into trouble! I bet she's telling all her rich friends to watch out for me, stealing their husbands.

At school, there'll be rumours about me, and they'll all think I'm a slut! Only for Jason. Lavender won't even be my friend... I can't deal with this! I have to get out of here.

I emerge from the bathroom, gathering my thoughts and wiping my tears as I walk down the hall to the ballroom. Graham's sitting happily, laughing with Barnaby, although I interrupt them, whispering in Graham's ear.

'Graham I really need to get out of here, I just got my period! I'm so sorry' hopefully he doesn't know that Jason sterilised me...

Graham turns to me, smiling, 'Oh of course darling,' He starts to get out of his chair, 'Barnaby, I'm so sorry but Paige is feeling a bit sick so I think we'll have to be off now old friend,'

'Oh what a shame, I'll see you out then' Barnaby replies, also getting out of his seat.

'Hey, I'm sorry you have to leave so early,' Lavender says to me, seated at the table. 'I was looking forward to talking to you some more,'

'Yeah, ugh being a girl is so annoying,' I play along, 'I'll see you later,' waving goodbye to Lavender.

'I'll see you at school Paige,' Lavender calls after me.

I struggle to keep my composure as we leave the dinner party. Linda catches my eye and smirks, I have to hold myself back from slapping that smirk right off her face.

'Well, I've heard about your new buy Graham! You'll have to invite us all over some time,' Barnaby says as he leads us out, finally nearing the front door. Beautiful Renaissance paintings line the cream walls.

'Yes, I'm just getting renovations done to it as we speak!' Graham replies

'How about you Paige? How are you liking the new place?' Barnaby asks me... oh no, I haven't seen it yet

'Yes it's amazing, very different from what I'm used to,' I chuckle

'Well it's been great seeing you Barnaby,' Graham says, opening the front door.

'Yes, see you soon-' Graham cuts off Barnaby by shutting the door behind us.

The lift ride is silent, Graham seems to be anticipating something, looking over to me anxiously. Once we're in the car, Graham says matter of factly,

'Jason sterilised you, Sage what's wrong,'

Oh, shit, he knows.... what excuse can I make up-

'I'm just really tired, I just wanted to go home,' I reply, although Graham doesn't believe me.

'Sage, tell me what happened,'

'That's all Graham! I'm just tired! It's really weird pretending to be another person!' I snap

The rest of the car ride is in silence, both ignoring the presence of each other.

'You still want to stay in the guest room?' Graham asks

'Yes, if that's alright,' I reply, he nods in response. We enter the empty reception area, Graham and Jason are yet to complete renovations on the building. It's eery, dark and gloomy, but we make it to the lift and again, it's a silent ride up. After much deliberation I say,



'I can't do this.'


'Thank you for all your help but I don't want to do this anymore, becoming your supposed goddaughter, going to an elite school, mixing with high society, I just can't,' tears beginning to fill my eyes.

'Hey, you've gotta tell me what happened, you were so excited before. I saw how happy you were talking to Lavender, what's wrong?' Graham asks softly.


The elevator doors open, and we take a seat in his lounge. Wow, this place is massive. Jason will be so jealous.

'It's just....' I struggle to say, 'Barnaby wife, Linda...'

'Yes, what about her?'

'She... when she showed me the bathrooms, Linda singled me out, calling me a bitch, and a slut,' I sob, 'That we're in a relationship! In her words your "fuck buddy that you decided to bring as your latest arm candy"'

'Linda also threatened me, demanding I stay away from her and her family, thinking I'm going to "steal" her husband,' I burst out crying, not knowing what to do. I see Graham's usually laidback expression boiling, his anger undeniable.

'I'm so sorry Sage, I really am, I will have a stern word to Barnaby tonight, but until then, would you like some cocoa?' Comforting me, and embracing me as I cry into his vest.

'No thank you, I really am tired,'

'Of course dear, I'll show to your room,' He leads me down the hall and into a lovely guest suite.

'This'll be your 'official' room when I have guests over, because to them you're living with me, so make it however you want.'

'Ok thank you, Graham,'

'And also Sage,' he says before leaving, 'Don't let this one thing put you down, Linda is a bitch and a gold digger. I wouldn't worry about her. You and Lavender seemed to get on so well! Isn't it nice to make a friend, your own friend, who hasn't got anything to do with Jason?'

I consider it for a few seconds. I've been so silly and affected by that bitch's words, no way I want to give this up! 'Yeah, you're right,'

'Sweet dreams darling,' Graham says before closing the door. I have a bit of a problem unzipping my dress, but it's not like I can ask Graham for help. I slip into the pyjamas already in the closet and snuggle into bed.

Maybe I can make this into my own room. Graham said I could do whatever I want... and he has endless cash.... hmmm maybe I am a gold digger...


I'm awoken in the night, by shouting echoing in the penthouse. At first, I don't know where I am, but then quickly remember where I am, only a few floors up from where Jason would be. I listen in, and it sounds like Graham,

'No, you listen here Barnaby! Your wife ruined what was meant to be the Paige's debut! No-I don't want to hear it. Get your fucking wife under control, or so help me God I will do it myself! Say, she fell asleep and never woke up! We had a fucking agreement, you help me, I help you, but I am beginning to wonder if I am obliged to honour it! Do it, or I will find someone else!'

(Thanks for 156k💜💜)

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