Chapter 56

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The lunch bell rings, signalling the start of class, so we all disperse to our next periods.

I hurry to my locker, trying to remember which number was mine. Was it 234 or 236.... oh god, and what was the lock combination again- My thoughts are interrupted by a familiar voice calling my name.

'Paige, Paige! Hey,' Sam calls after me, analysing my situation then remarking, 'Can't find your locker?'

'Yeah...I don't even remember the code!' I laugh, anxiety building in my chest.

'Well I'll let you in on a school secret,' Sam smirks, leaning in closer to me, 'Although this is one of the most prestigious schools in New York,' he whispers, holding onto the locker door, 'the lockers can be opened easily with-,' he yanks the locker door, making a creaking sound then spilling open 'a little tug,'

'Oh wow,' I exclaim, 'I don't know whether to be relieved or concerned!'

'Well is this your locker?' Sam asks. I peer inside and faintly recognise the bag I brought to school.


'I must be a magician too,' he chuckles, 'what have you got now?' Leaning against the lockers as I gather my books.

'I've got Biology,'

'Great, I have AP Bio, we better hurry to the labs,'

As we speed walk to class, I notice his blazer is different to mine, having a gold embroidery.

'What's the gold stuff on your blazer?' I ask

'It's what all seniors have on their blazers,' Sam states, he's a senior?? 'You'll get it next year,'

'Where will you be next year? I ask, maybe overstepping the boundaries.

'Well with College, it's expected that I go to New Haven, but other than that I have no idea,'

'Wait... why New Haven? Is that like a company?' I question

'No, sorry I forget you're new to all this.' He chuckles, 'New Haven as in Yale. As for why, well my family is a Yale family, we all go to Yale. I guess it's a tradition.' He gazes out into the hall, thinking of something.

'What about you Paige? Where do you wanna go after school?' He asks

'Umm,' I consider his question, I haven't really thought about it before. 'I don't know if I'll get into college, to be honest, I've been away from school so long,'

and I'm also a dumb bitch. I had a fricking 2.9 GPA before this!

'You could get into anywhere Paige! As Graham goddaughter, and with your backstory, I'm sure anywhere, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, where ever! They'd be happy to have you,'

'With my backstory?!' I exclaim, slightly hurt at his trivialisation of what I've been through.

'I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like-' I stop him

'Thank you for walking me to class, but I really need to go, goodbye.' I state bluntly, controlling my outburst of anger as I walk away fuming.


The last few periods of class passed quickly, getting to know people and getting into the groove of learning. It's been a long time.

My phone buzzes in my last period, I check it and see a text from Lea:

Hey Girly,
I was thinking since you've never been to NY. After school, why don't me and the girls show you our fav spots/a lil tour! It'll be fun!

Yes! Oh, wait. Jason... he wants me back straight after school... damn I'll have to say no :/ I discretely type under the desk in class.

Damnnn I would love to but Graham wants me home straight after school today, security reasons or something. Definitely another time tho!

Lea responds immediately,

ok babe :(( make sure to tell Graham that we all have our own security detail (guards, cars etc) so he doesn't have to worry about safety stuff, maybe this weekend will be easier?

They all have security? Is that like normal at this school? All their parents must be hella rich

I'll talk to Graham about it 🤞🤞

More like I'll negotiate with Jason about it... Maybe Graham can help me out? He said he would.

The bell rings and we all scramble out of our last period, avoiding any potential homework our teacher might spring on us.

My phone vibrates again as I empty my locker into my school bag,

Caller ID: 🕺🏽Toe-Knee🕴🏽👨🏽‍✈️

I pick up, 'Hello? Tony?'

'Paige, I'm where I dropped you off,' he says

'Yep, see ya there,' I reply, hanging up.

The front of the school is littered with teens in uniform, waiting for their rides. There's no school buses or public transport riders, all with their individual chauffeurs behind tinted bulletproof windshields. Even as the students are waiting, there's dozens of security guards patrolling the exits, checking identification of those picking up, and keeping the general public away from New York's elite.

Somehow Tony has found his way to the front of the line, parked and waiting for me in the drive-through. I can finally breathe once I close the car door behind me, god that was stressful.

'How did it go?' Tony asks

'Good,' I say, 'it was a good day,' I think of all the lovely people I've met, and how nice it felt to fade into the background, just be invisible. Even though there was a pit of anxiety from worrying about being found out, it was worth it. And I can't wait for tomorrow.

I don't know why I got so mad at Sam for what he said. He didn't mean any harm, but for some reason, it made me very emotional. Sam doesn't know how hard these last 5 months have been on me, or at all what I've experienced. He reminded me of the hardship I've faced, and I didn't want to be reminded.

Jason and I have been so good recently, I don't want to remember all the horrible things he's done. I just want to be happy with him, ignorance is bliss. Only Jason knows what I've been through, no one else could ever understand, especially not pretty-boy Sam.

This story is in total~ 50,000 words!!! Vote + Comment if u enjoyed 💜thank you so much for reading and 175k 💜

Xx Jenny

gang leader's prisoner (18+)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon