Chapter 57

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Song recommendation
Artist: Father

'I'm home,' I call into our quiet apartment, dumping my heavy backpack and slipping off my shoes.

'Jason?' I inquire, poking my head around the corner, and spotting him sitting on the couch. Jason turns and spots me,

'Oh, hey babe,' he shrugs, looking back on his phone.

'You're not going to ask me how my first day at school was?' I huff, fixing myself something to eat in the kitchen

'Sorry Sagey, I'm just a little busy with work at the moment,' Jason replies uncaringly, obviously distracted by something.

'Ok.....' I manage to get a glimpse of his phone, he seems to be reading through contracts or something boring, 'anything interesting?'

'Just technical stuff, I'm offloading most of my responsibilities to those below me, it's a process.' He groans, 'I have to make sure that the positions are crystal clear in their responsibilities, and what is required of them. I'm not letting what I built crumble to nothing while I'm not there,'

'Well don't let me disturb you,' I reply with a hint of passive aggression, taking my pb&j to my room.

'Wait babe' Jason calls after me, I wait to hear what he says, I hear him stride to me. 'I'm sorry, let's start this again,' he lightly kisses my lips, putting his phone away,

'Welcome home Sagey, how was your day?' Jason smiles, the annoyance I felt before evaporates. This is Jason I love...

'I was good. I saw Lavender again, one of Grahams friend's daughters. The campus is amazing. A really nice girl, Lea showed me around the school.' We sit at the dining table and I munch on my pbj sandwich. 'But you already know that don't you?' I sigh

'What? No? Why do you say that?' Jason questions, leaning in inquisitively.

'Haven't you been watching through cameras or something, isn't that what you do,' I reply, knowing he was a voyeur, watching me before he kidnapped me, watching me in my room at the last place etc.

'No, I've been busy all day love. I don't have time to watch you, and besides, I don't want to anyway.' Jason chuckles, 'I know you're safe, and I know you won't let anyone else touch you....' I gulp, my mind drifting to that pretty boy Sam...

'Isn't that right baby?' His eyes focusing on mine, I nod, looking to the floor.

'Yes Daddy,' I smirk, knowing that'll distract him from my lies. His eyes darken, his stance becoming predatory. Jason, the dangerous criminal that he is, bring his lips to my ear and wraps his fingers softly around my neck.

'Bedroom. Now,' Jason commands


Me: Could we talk on the way to school tomorrow?

Graham: Yes, of course, I have some meetings in that direction. My Chauffeur will take us.

Good... so Tony won't know and tell Jason


'So Sage, your first few days back at school! How's it been?' Graham asks

'Great, I've already made some friends!' I reply

'That great Sage! If there are any problems, you just tell me ok?-'

'Well actually....'

'What?' Graham asks

'Well the girls really want to show me around New York, but I know Jason wouldn't let me... is there any way you can help? I really don't want to fight with Jason,'

'Well... I did negotiate some time with you remember? When we were sorting it all out? Saturday afternoon and evening I think?' Graham remembers, shifting in the limousine seat, 'yes, I remember we said that I spend that time with you only, without Jason,'

'Could I....?' I hint at, hoping I can use that time to hang out with friends.

'Yes of course! Use that time however you want!' Graham exclaims, 'All I ask is that you take a few of my security guards with you,'

'Thank you so much, Graham!' I hug him,

'Oh, only thing is, I might need you to come to a few balls here and there to keep up public appearances, but I'm sure your friends would be going to those anyway,' he explains

'That's perfect, thank you!!' I'm so glad I can have that time to hang out with my friends, or even go to parties!!

'Oh, I've also been meaning to give you this,' Graham takes a cardholder out of his blazer pocket and hands it to me.

I hold the mini leather cardholder, analysing the multiple black cards slotted into the pockets. I take one out, a black American Express card under my name!

Paige Williams

'Wh-what? Graham you didn't have to-' I say in a state of shock.

'Hush, it's nothing Sage, You need it to fit in at Presmore, plus, I consider you the daughter I never had, let me give you this.' Graham smiles, slightly embarrassed at his confession.

'Also, I have to let you know that I've made you my official benefactor. Both names, Sage Tierson and Paige Williams are in my lawyer's documents, you'll choose which name to use.' Graham stays seriously, ' This is important, I also have back up will documents in the toilet cleaner handle in your and Jason's apartments guest en-suite, and your mother also has them too.'

'What?! Why?' I exclaim 'I'M YOUR BENEFACTOR?'

'Yes. And as for the location, it needs to be easily accessible in the event that my apartment becomes a crime scene or ransacked, or if my lawyer doesn't follow my commands after I pass,'

Am I a billionaire?

'Ummm, this is a lot to process,' I say, my mind slowly computing the influx of important information.

'I know darling, but you can't tell anyone, ok? That would compromise everything. Not even Jason,' Graham stares at me, waiting for my response.

I take a deep breath and reply, 'Yes, ok Graham,' I say slowly, 'and thank you,'

I see that we've already made it to school! I grab my bag and my newly acquired knowledge and head out.

'Bye Paige,' he winks, 'Have a great day!' I wave goodbye back.

This is already a great day. A great day indeed to discover that my Mom's multi-billionaire sugar daddy considers me his daughter, and has decided to give all of his fortunes to me!

And that I get to hang with my girls this weekend!

What a car ride of collusion.

As I walk into the school grounds and through security, my mind begins thinking.

Let's be real Sage, you won't even see a penny of that money with Jason as your boyfriend.

Yeah... tbh I don't even need that money having Jason.

But none of that is your money, independence girl. It'd be YOUR OWN money.

Yeah... What would I do with all that money?

Well, I have a black card in my pocket, why don't I find out?

Thank u lovelies for reading 💜 love u guys, thought I would surprise you with this update xx
Vote & Comment if u enjoyed 💜

Jenny xxx

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