Chapter 32

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Sage's POV:

'How old are you turning?'

He doesn't look so relaxed anymore...



'Well Happy 27th birthday!' I say enthusiastically, pushing down any emotional reflex I had.

'Thanks baby,' He says, seemingly losing his edge. 'I was eating some breakfast before you woke up, come and join me once you're ready,'

He's 27.

Is he mentally coo-coo? Does this type of attraction happen regularly for him, you know, to teen girls?!?!

But Sage, the voice of reason begins, you're a bit of an early bloomer, you do look like a woman.

Yeah ok... then it's not that bad...

BUT, personality-wise I'm a teen!

Well, I don't know if he cares about me personally . But if he does, I am more mature than the regular teen. I've had to fend for myself, and manage everything alone. Having an alcoholic father and an always working mother, these things have made me grow up more quickly I guess?

It's still weird.

It's weird that Jason doesn't seem to care either.

And it's not like I'm one of those freaks with a daddy kink, ew!



I to the ensuite and clean myself up, this place is huge! Are we in a hotel or apartment?

I join him for breakfast in the dining room, where he sits looking at some more files.

'This is a cool place Jason,' I say, sitting across from him where my breakfast awaits me.

'It's the Presidential Suite after all,' he says

He starts packing up his files and taking a few final bites of his breakfast,
'Sage I have to go out for work today, I'll be back tonight,' he says, then abruptly leaving.

I guess I'll just eat my food?

I have to get him a present, it is his birthday after all.

What can I give someone who has everything?

I should give something personal, something from me. Something that is meaningful. But what could that be?

I have an idea.


Should I have really done this?

I don't even know if he'll actually like it...

I hear the front door open and I quickly put away my gift.

'I'm ba-ack!' Jason shouts

'Hey Birthday Boy,' I say, hugging him, 'how was your day?' His hands slide around my waist and then down, settling on my booty.

'It was good, everything went smoothly,' he says, then leaning in and kissing me, his lips are so soft... then it all stops. 'We're going out tonight,' he says, stepping away from me, 'be ready in 10 minutes,'

I'm glad he's in a good mood because it's rare that he'll come back from work without me being in an unpleasant mood. I guess no one would want to mess with him on his birthday.

I'll have to give him his present after we get back tonight... I hope he'll like it!!


His hand is glued to my thigh the whole ride to the club, slowly sneaking further and further up as we get closer to the venue.

'You're bi aren't you?' He asks me, I look out the window. Uhhh what do I say?? Eek!

'Uhh yeah?' I reply nervously, why's he asking that?

'Well you'll enjoy this,' he says as the car stops, and the door is opened by Tony.

What does that mean??

He holds my hand as a get out of the car, then leading me down an alleyway, where thumping music gets louder and louder.

'When we go in, no wandering off.' He orders, 'I can't protect you if I don't know where you are,'

'Okay,' I reply, there must be some dangerous people where we're going.

In front of us, Tony stops in front of an unassuming door in the alley way. He knocks seven times in a precise manner, after which, a slit in the is door opened, eyes looking through.

'Name,' the voice voice says from behind the door

'McCann,' Tony replies. The slit is shut, and shortly after, the door is opened.

We walk down the stairs and Jason's hold on me becomes tighter, then whispering;
'I will be meeting a few clients, be on your best behaviour,'

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