15: Princess

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I shudder at his words.... 'and now I've got you all to myself, I'm never letting you go...'

why is he doing all this to me...

Jason lingers, looking at me up and down and undressing me with his eyes. He looks ready to pounce and feast at any moment.

He hands me a new set of "clothes" to put on... A bralet accompanied with a pastel pink mini MINI skirt, a garter and matching pink stilettos.

I strategically put the bralet under my top as I change, attempting to keep my dignity as the last slivers fly away.

'What did I say?' His voice booms, I don't reply, however his jaw remains clenched, expecting an answer.
'No hiding?' I say meekly
'Do NOT, disobey me,' he commands, bringing his gun out and spinning it as he watches me. I'm shaking... I'm so scared

I have to do what he wants before he asks it, I undress slowly for him.

'The cameras in your room don't do your body justice,' he says now circling me, 'or the ones in your bathroom,' I flinch in shock. His perverted eyes find mine, I avert his gaze. 'Didn't know, huh? I have eyes everywhere, and when you think you're alone, I'll be watching you.'

Shaken from his threat, how can I escape him.... how can everything go back to normal ...

'Cheer up princess,' seeing my terrified face, 'as long as you're a good girl, we won't need to worry about anything like that,' he threatens, I nod obediently and plaster a smile on my face.

Taking a final look, he wraps a heavy fur coat over my shoulders and slithers his arms around my waist.

Jason's strong grip holds me still as he sweeps my hair from my neck. His lips press against my neck.... oh no...... but the intimacy is fleeting.

'You're marked now,' Jason whispers. 'As mine,'

'If you have any questions for me, this will be the only time I will allow them,' He adjusts so that I'm straddling him, his hands firmly hold my waist.

'Why are you doing this to me? Out of everyone, I'm here, why??'

He looks at me baffled, maybe I shouldn't have asked that?....

'Looking at you makes my dick hard,' he replies, and I feel slightly disappointed, what did you expect Sage... 'And, you interest me... that's why.' His deep voice rumbling...

What does he mean by that...

'And, what are you gonna do to me after this' I ask

'I will do... anything I want with you, and you will obey me.' He threatens, 'Like this,' slipping the coat off me, 'or this,' slowly inching his hand under my skirt, 'And this,' pulling me towards him and passionately attacking my mouth.

I kiss him back obediently, not wanting to make him angry. I guess the practice with Becky was worth it... He suddenly pulls away, leaving me breathless.

'Mm, I've been waiting to do that for a while,' he growls,

'We need to go,' Jason commands. I throw the coat back on and he knocks on the door. Becky appears again and leads us out.

'Thank you so much for employing my services Sir. There will be no expense, and my door is always open for any work you bring me.'

Jason ignores her tells me to hold still as he restrains my hands and ankles with handcuffs, and seals my mouth with duck tape. I look at Becky for the last time, attempting to smile, she notices and gives me a little smile back.

Jason methodically lifts me over his shoulder, making me squeal. He smacks my ass and tells me to shut up. A car waits for us in the docking bay.

'No getting away this time princess,' he chuckles, laying me across the back seats and locking me to a chain welded to the car, no escaping this time...

Jason lifts my head into his lap and begins stroking my hair.

'shhhh, go to sleep,'

gang leader's prisoner (18+)Where stories live. Discover now