7: Assertion

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Sage's POV:

'Omg Jenny you won't believe what happened!!!' I say to my best friend

'He asked you out, I know!! I'm so excited for you!!' She squeals to me

'I can't believe he even talked to me!!! Ahh, I don't know what to wear tomorrow..'

'Let me help you, you can borrow some of my stuff if you want?' She offers, Jenny is one of the few people that understands me. And I'm so glad that she's one of my friends.

'Thank you so much, I don't know what I'd do without you!!'

We hug and squeal together, I can't believe he asked me out. On a date!!! And he said all those cute things!!! Omg, I'm so excited for tomorrow, maybe this will be the start of all good things...

Jason's POV:


'Yes Boss'

'Get the piece of shit that's been plaguing my sight ready for 8 o'clock, you know the place.' I say, trying hard not to lash out my anger on Tony.

'Yes Boss, shall I arrange for the cleanup crew afterwards?' He asks

'Hmmm,' I think briefly, 'No, they won't be needed... for now.'

(7 hours later)

This location is one of my favourites, far away from prying eyes, no one to hear what I do in here. Tall steel frames, moonlight slipping in through the overhead warehouse windows, rusty chains hanging around, perfect. And in the middle of all of this darkness is a small spotlight on the man of the hour, little boy Josh.

Not looking so cool now that he's cuffed to a chair, looking like a scared little bitch. I walk into the light and bend down to his level.

'Do you know who I am?' I ask calmly, tilting my head.
He shakes his head, No. I take off my sunglasses,

'How about now?' He's looking at my face searching, then he stiffens and nods his head more frantically this time. The fun has only just started...
I reach forward and rip the duct tape off his mouth.


'Did I say you could speak?' I hiss

'I'm so sorry Sir I just-' I punch his face, that'll shut him up.

'You've really pissed me off, John,'

'It's Jo-' this time he shuts himself up, I give him a look then continue speaking.

'And a boy like you certainly shouldn't be trying to piss me off- you know what happens to people who disrespect me...' I hear him gulp in angst

'Why'd you do it, Jack?' I ask, he looks confused.


'You wanna fu*k her James? Is that it?' I lean down and punch him again. He winces in pain. 'You wanna put your dick in her?!' I then kick his chair over, his body slamming against the concrete.

'Who is it?' Josh wheezes, trying to shield his body.

'The fuck you think it is?! Sage!' I shout then spitting on him. His eyes wide open in shock at the realisation.

'No-no-no, it's not like that at all. I don't wanna fuck her-'

'So she's not good enough for you?!' I kick him again, 'Is that what you think? You little-'

'No-no-no, I mean, I guess I wanna hook up with her eventually-' I kick the shit out of him, how dare he try to have MY Sage, I'm the only guy that will ever f*ck her.

'SHE IS MINE, I'M THE ONLY GUY SHE WILL EVER BELONG TO!!' By this time I've lost all control of my anger. I kick him, punch him, slam him against the floor again...

I see him start losing consciousness and I look at his blood pooling on the concrete. He'll be of no use to me dead. I stand above him, he gazes up at me terrified, coughing up blood.

'I'm so sorry Sir, I'll do anything for your forgiveness.' he manages to beg. 'Please don't kill me, my mum needs me-'

'Shut up!' I shout, he jolts in shock but stays quiet. 'I'm not gonna kill you-'

'Thank you, thank you so much, sir-'

'ARE YOU DEAF I TOLD YOU TO SHUT THE F*CK UP!!' That seems to do the trick
'You're not dead, but if you even so much as look her, you will be.' He nods compliantly. 'And if anything happens to her, it will be your head AND theirs, understood?' He nods again, more cautiously this time.

'I also have one final gift for you, so people take you seriously.' I put the duck tape back over his mouth and pull out a knife. As I bring it closer to his face, his muffled screams increase, his body scrambles frantically tied to the chair.

'Hold still, I don't want to make a mistake, or I'll have to do it again..' I chuckle at this goon, revenge is sweet.

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