9: Aerospace

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Jason's POV

It's been a few weeks since I put that knucklehead in his place and since then everyone's acted accordingly. Just the mention of my name and everyone has their tail between their legs. Good. she's mine and no one else's.

People are too scared to even make eye contact with her at school.

Now I have to deal with the repercussions of her being affiliated with me. Including the unwanted criminal attention, I know other gangs are keeping tabs on her now, ready to strike if they receive any confirmation of the rumours.


Tomorrow I'm gonna see her in real life.

I just want to see her one last time before I decide to do this.

Soon I'll be with her as long as I want.

Sage's POV

I'm so alone.

My friends have left me, my crush left as quickly as he came. People at school avoid me like the plague and I have no idea why.

I don't understand. It's been a week or two since this started and it's still happening.

Even the teachers seem afraid of me, they just leave me alone. If I need help they are overly helpful. It's weird. All the tests I've gotten back have all been A+ too. I know I'm not smart enough to get those results so it's like wtf??

I also can't stop thinking of the cryptic things both Jenny and Josh said,

'when you see him,' see who?

'he's watching us,' ok???

'You have protection but we don't,' the actual fuck??

It all sounds like some crazy weird conspiracy theory. I wonder how long I'll have to wait for it to go away and I can get my friends back.

Jason's POV

It's a overcast gloomy day, Driving down the National Mall. All the trees look like sticks without their leaves.

So many fucking museums, how many art galleries does this place need?

I read the signs as I drive along, US department of Agriculture, a tall ass columned building, Smithsonian Castle, an ugly red brick imitation of a castle, Hirshhorn Museum, that ones ok, a circle cylinder whatever building, Smithsonian National Air and Space Muse- thats it.

I pull into the 'reserved' parking and get out of this shit car. It's a fucking Audi. Only poor people drive them and I'm repulsed. I had to unfortunately, Tony said it's a good undercover car.

Although we both know that neither a car or the crap I'm wearing, will keep my enemies from finding me.

'Sir, only staff and emergency services are allowed to park-' He then catches sight of my face and quickly backs away.

'What was that?' I gruffly ask,

'N-nothing Sir,' He utters out, I stand and wait a bit, just to sike him out.

'That's what I thought,' I smirk and walk off to the museum.

I go through security with my head down and sunglasses on, I don't plan on letting anyone else know my identity.

Sage's POV

This place is amazing, there's mini planes hung from the roof, and old rockets towering up to the bright glass ceilings. Amazing jet fighters just casually on display downstairs too!

The teachers said that we could have look around by ourselves until the 2.15 guided tour. It's 2.10 now and I need to get back. This place is huge.

I catch the escalator down, sifting in to the line of people. This place is so fascinating, I admire the endless fascinating objects on display, however my eyes are drawn to a familiar outline.

I can't see their face, they're looking away. Who is that? I see a tuft if blonde hair from under his beanie. No. It can't be... I study him more, he looks around the same height and shape, if he could just look my way..

I step off the elevator and look back up again, but he's no where to be found. Jason.... shut up. I was just imagining him here and making it up in my head. Ugh, why am I so pathetic, he's not here stupid.

Jason's POV

That was close, if I hadn't spotted her at the top of the elevator first, she would have seen me. Luckily I hid my face from her just in time.

It doesn't matter anymore, I'm standing at the balcony of the second story overlooking the first floor. I spot her in the crowds of students, getting ready to go on a tour.

She's just as beautiful as I remembered, much better than the blurry surveillance footage. She's all alone, no ones talking to her, and it's my fault. None of this will be important soon anyway.

I can't wait to get in that pretty little mind of hers and have her all to myself.


Very soon.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and open my texts to

'Tony, activate code 3yz'

I hesitate, am I really doing this?


I click send.

It's done now.

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