Chapter 18

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⬆️ What the club looks like ⬆️

The men across sitting across from me set their things down, I adjust my position and try to fulfil Jason's order. 'You better be all over me bitch'

I try to hide my hands shaking in fear my resting them on my thigh and the back of his neck.

'We're here to discuss the recent police sieges of our warehouses, Sir' The first one says, looking like he's straight out of an office job, glasses, suit, boring personality. 'Although I requested a more formal setting' he adds, looking very uncomfortable, and earning him a glare from Jason.

I begin running my hand through his hair and resting my head in the crook of his neck, I'm so tired.

'I believe this is a relevant business setting,' Jason growls, annoyed by the office head.

'Yes sir, my apologies for my mistake,' the guy says, his voice shaking in fear.

They begin talking on and on about strategy and numbers and blah blah blah, boring. I notice girls in the normal section of the club having fun, with their friends, sharing flirty glances with other boys and girls in the crowd.

All while I'm here, trapped. I doubt that'll ever be me, careless and free to do as I want, ever again. For all I know Jason will have gotten bored of me by the end of the week, and my body will be disposed with the rest of the people he's tortured and murdered.

I see girls dancing on guys, and on poles, other girls kissing, on lips of another or on their neck... Hmmm I should probably do that, to be 'all over him', after all I don't want my throat to be slit before morning...

I turn my head and then place my lips on his neck, then give him a quick peck, to test the waters.

...No negative response, err k let's give this a go shall we... I begin kissing neck, softly at first, what if he'll kill me for this!! I hear a deep groan from Jason, then him adjusting his position. I immediately stop, pulling my lips away from his neck, he must have groaned in annoyance, god dammit why am I such a dumbass.

He turns to me, annoyed, 'why'd you stop?!' He growls under his breath.

I continue, and his groans continue as well, I'm so scared I'll do the wrong thing... when he speaks, the vibrations tickle my lips, he acts as if I'm not even here, except for the occasional groans.

'This problem will be resolved by the next week or you'll be taken care of by my finest men,' Jason growls, a hint of sarcasm in there somewhere too.

'Thank you sir for your time,' the office worker says, 'see you next week for the follow up meeting,' before scurrying away.

'Come on,' he whispers in my ear, 'let's go home,' then giving Tony a nod before getting up.

He wraps his arm around my waist and leads me through the club and out the door. By the exit, I see Tony waiting in an SUV with a few others stalling behind him. We get in the back seats and I go to lie down again, like in our long car ride earlier today.

'No you don't need to lie down around here,' Jason says to me, motioning me to sit up, 'I have my men patrolling these streets, looking for any threats, so no need.'

I nod and sit across from him, as far as I can humanly manage. I look out the window, the dark empty suburban streets, noticing the occasional man walking, now obvious to me that they're armed and patrolling for Jason.

How the frick am I gonna get out of here???

Heyyy gals,

Hope you guys have been enjoying these last few chapters!! I'm back at it and will be posting weekly as my exams are over (yeyy)

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gang leader's prisoner (18+)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon