Chapter 36

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beep beep beep beep

what is that annoying beeping sound?

beep beep beep beep

wait, where am i?

beep beep beep beep

I regain feeling of my body, sensing a cold stick in my arm and the scratchy material on my skin.

I open my eyes and see that I'm in a hospital ward, lying in a patient gown. The beeping is coming from the heart monitor thingy.

I try to get up but then there's a sharp pain in my leg! Why does that hurt so much?!

'YEAH BITCH?!' He shouts, pulling out his gun and loading it again.


He shot me.

I don't remember what happened after that. Did he instantly regret it? Or did he leave me bleeding in the car, letting Tony handle it?

What hospital am I at? There's no windows or signs so I can't tell.

Maybe Jason has left me in a hospital because he doesn't want me anymore!!! Pleeeeease let that be the case.

But I'd kinda miss him tho-

A woman that looks like a doctor walks in, she seems middled aged as I can see the grey roots in her dyed blonde hair. She notices me sitting upright and says,

'You're awake! I'm Kerrie Anderson, the I'm the doctor that has been taking care of you. How do you feel,'

'I feel fine... except my leg,'

'Oh yes, you had a gunshot wound which I sewed up for you. The bullet didn't hit your bone or any of you major veins. You're very lucky indeed,'

'You could say that...' I mumble, ok nows the time to ask! 'Um, I was wondering doctor, what hospital are we in currently?'

'You don't remember anything from last night? Well the guy that brought you in tells me you were in Atlanta! But the Boss ordered that you were to be only treated in the compound! So Tony, I think that's his name, had to keep pressure on your leg and monitor you for over two hours while you were driven to the airport and flown here. You would have died if it had hit a vein!'


Jason really does not care about my life does he?

'How long will I take to recover?'

'Depends on various factors but I'm estimating around two weeks,'

'Thanks Doctor!'

I already forgot her name... 😳😳

'Ok well nice to meet you Sage, if you need anything, just press the red button here,' she points at the side of my bed, 'and a nurse will come immediately.' She smiles goodbye and sees to another patient.

What do I do now?




Why hasn't he come and visited me?!

It's been a week and he's not come in once to see me! Not once! He's the one who shot me in the leg!

I can't believe him!

My surroundings remain the same as before, the only human contact I get is the nurses who tend to my wound as well as bring me my food.

Sometimes when the door is open, I can see across the hallway, and into another ward. There are lots of wounded people laying in beds closely bunched together. They must be injured members of Jason's gang, brought in to get treated without the police getting involved.

I have this whole room to myself, but I think at least 15 bed could fit in here. I guess Jason still cares about me a little, seeing as I have the 'gold class' room. A big TV, a whole ensuite to myself, lounge chairs and bookshelves as well. This must be the room Jason gets treated in, or maybe he has an even better room for that.




It's been two and a bit weeks since I woke up here.

And today is the day that I leave the medical ward! Yay?

I've been doing some physical therapy on my leg, and I can kinda of walk! It's a bit of a hobble but it's still walking.

I wonder if I'll be taken back to the apartment today? He was really mad last time I saw him. Maybe he'll feeding me to the dogs... or worse.

I tried to get an answer from the nurses and doctors but they seem to scurry away once I try to talk to them. Scared of what Jason will do. To be honest, I don't think Jason actually would give a shit. Either way, I get it. Jason has quite the rep as I've found out, and I wouldn't wanna piss off my boss either. However I have pissed Jason off anyway. Oops.

Being cooped up in my bed hasn't helped the suspense either. All day, with not much to do, no phone or laptop, only the hospital tv with kids shows on. It's left me lots of time to think, and to worry what is going to happen to me.

I've been thinking, maybe I'll be free from his control, but have to remain in his gang? I don't think he's willingly let me walk, no way. I know too much now, I'd be a liability to him and his organisation, especially because of how close I was to Jason too.

Maybe I'd be a cook? Or a guard? Who am I kidding, I'm not strong at all.

But what I want the most is to go home.

I've been away for so long, months, so my memories of my family, friends, and even the places themselves are fading away. Little things, like my Mom's eye colour, or the colour of my carpet, just gone.

'Sage,' Tony gets my attention, 'it's time,'

No surprise this time ;)

Hope u enjoyed xx thanks so much for reading, I still can't believe that people actually read my story (and quite a decent amount of people)!!

Xx Jennyyy

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