Chapter 68

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'I'm sorry ma'am, but the engine just is not working, it's going to be a few hours at least until the plane is up and running,'

I've been waiting on the tarmac for hours, I was meant to leave at 9am today, and it's 3pm now, and I'm getting desperate to get back home.

My friends were going to come with me on my plane, but once there were engine failures, they waited around for a bit, but then when an hour went past, they hitched a ride on someone else's plane. Sam stayed with me though, but when 3 hours had gone past, Sam's dad was calling him, ordering him to come back. I'm would have gone back with him, but I felt like I needed to stay with the plane, bring it back to Graham in one piece.

So I've been waiting aboard the plane for hours, watching shows, eating the food the chefs cook me, and being a perfect little pampered princess.

'Madame, I'm afraid you cannot stay aboard any longer. The plane will be moved to the hanger where it will be repaired,'

'Oh, of course I'm so sorry, how long do you think it will be?'

'Madame it may be days until the plane is flightworthy,'


'I would suggest, madame, that you find another flight to find your way back to New York, oui?'

'Of course, Umm where shall I wait?'

'Come I will take you to the terminal, but after that, you will be on your own,'

'Umm ok,' ON MY OWN????

I don't have any security guards either, as they were all employed by the school, and miles away now. I am completely alone. I must call Graham, and get him to sort it all out. I'm surprised he hasn't called already. And Jason, why hasn't he called?

I would have thought they would be calling me as soon as they got word that the plane hadn't taken off. People had told Graham, hadn't they?

It's 9am in New York right now, they would have only woken up. I'll call him now!

The French airport worker leads me into a golf cart, all I have is my little backpack. We speed across the runway, below huge jumbojets. Then he takes me through some back entrance, and now I'm sitting in arrivals, waiting for Graham to answer my calls.

My phone begins ringing loudly, it must be Graham.

'Sage, I'm so sorry for not answering your calls! Don't worry about the plane, my assistant has just sent you the tickets! Sorry have to go!'

What was that. Graham sounded like he was at a pay phone, and since when is he so busy??

Whatever, it's just been a weird day.

*7pm gold class tickets to New York*
Pops up on my phone, well at least he sent me the tickets. Yay, finally I can go homeeee


'Ladies and gentleman, we have landed at JFK, please remain in your seats until the seatbelt sign turns off,'

I stretch my arms, I slept through that entire flight. Good thing I did, because somehow the plane's gold class was overbooked and I had to go in economy next a screaming baby.

It's weird waking up and it being dark outside. We all shuffle out of the plane and line up for customs. So many security guards lining the halls, I'm nervous that they'll know this isn't my real passport.

Luckily the border security guard doesn't think I'm suspicious, and let's me through. Since everything is going wrong today, I'm glad that I at least was able to get in the country.

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