11: Raven

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Sage's POV

Ughh I had the weirdest dream last night, I was running from this big guys and then there was Jason. Time to wake up and go to school

I roll out of bed and stretch my body, then putting on my clothes for the day. Hmmm, crop top or t-shirt....

Loud plastic rustling wakes me from my dream. Hands sprawl over me, moving me out of wherever I am now. Feels like the boot of a car.

'Get your FUCKING hands off her!' A familiar voice orders, 'I'm the only one who touches her, UNDERSTAND?!'

'Yes Boss,' a chorus of deep voices echoes

'Now fuck off, I'm taking her inside,' he orders

Strong arms grab my legs and drag me out of the boot. He lifts me onto his shoulder, his arms tightly hold my legs. I frantically move, trying to escape his hold. Maybe he'll just let me go home?

I'm unsuccessful of course, and he hoists me over his shoulder. I forgot that my mouth is still duck taped and my body still constrained by the rope. I begin moving again but he slaps my ass and lets me slip a bit, Ah! he might drop me!!!

I hear him opening a few doors and it becomes quieter and quieter until he completely halts and drops me on a soft mattress. The zip openings and I feel myself become less constricted. My eyes adjust to the soft light and see the bed I'm lying on.

'Damn u look hot all tied up,' he says, looking down at me in my grotty ripped clothes.

What's he gonna do to me.....

Jason unties ropes carefully, loosening but leaving my hand and ankle constraints. I still can't talk either ughh.

'It's very late baby,' he says, 'sleep,' He lies down next to me and puts his arms around me, oh no.. what if- I move frantically and desperately make any muffled soundI can. I need help, he's going to.. he's going to-

'Ugghh, look, I'm not gonna fuck you, ok?' Jason growls, with his head on my shoulder, 'Go to sleep, it's fucking late and I'm fucking tired,'

My movements calm down and I begin to reassure myself. His arms are tightly around my waist, trapping me, while his muscular body is pressed against my back.


I didn't have any dreams last night. Nothing could take me away from this nightmare.

Lying in the arms of a killer. I don't even know if I even truly slept at all, just waiting for him to wake up and take his arms off me.

Somewhere in the night he left, because I've opened my eyes and he's gone. I wriggle off the bed and hop to the door. I attempt using my tied hands to open the door handle.


The door swings open, revealing Jason who catches me red handed trying to escape.


'You needed to piss?' He asks, I nod enthusiastically, phew. Jason unties my wrists & ankles, then gripping my forearms. He drags me down a dark hall and shoves me in a toilet. I stumble trying to regain my balance.

'Hurry, we need to go.' Jason growls

My wrists & ankles feel much better being free. I quickly wash my face and clean my wounds.

Jason drags me away again. We're outside in a car park which I remember I recognise. hey! I know how to get home from here.

Jason's phone rings, he answers it and releases my arm. He continues walking towards the car, letting me follow him. This is my chance.


s p r i n t

As fast as I can.

I have to get home, no matter how bad it might be, at least my family aren't murderers.

I look behind me and I can't see anyone following me. I lost them!!

I try to be strategic, taking back allies and avoiding main roads. My main priority is to get home, so I take the quickest route.



I haven't seen anyone



My mum will protect me, call the police.



The gas station
Where it all started


I'm close



I can do this



The gravel rumbles behind me, I see a van driving towards me in the alley.

Jason's bodyguard Tony is driving it. Ah shit.

Jason appears at the other end of the alley, blocking my escape.

He has a gun

I hesitate, should I run to the car or to Jason?
Well Jason is only one person, I'll have more chance getting past him.

So I run to Jason.

He meets my determined gaze with a smug one, pointing the gun at my face.

Jason stops me in my tracks.

He takes slow confident steps towards me.

'Kneel,' he commands,

I obey without hesitation, trembling in fear.

Jason presses the gun between my eyes, gravel is digging into my knees. My eyes wonder to my home, just yards away and in full sight.

He grips my chin, forcing my face up to him, so that I am forced to look at him.

What if he shoots me...

'Any last words?' My eyes widen, I freak out and attempt to free myself. His arm slips around my neck as I step up. The more I resist him, the greater the pressure on my throat.

I can't breathe-

'See that bird?' Jason points his gun at a flying crow, I nod barely conscious. His finger pulls the trigger, shooting the bullet. A cloud of black feathers emerge and the birds remaining corpse plummets.

'If it weren't for your pretty face, that bullet would be in your brain,' he growls in my ear. 'Don't pull that shit again, you hear me?!'
I only just nod, black spots appearing in my vision.

'YOU HEAR ME?!' He shouts in my ear

'Yes-s... Sir,' I manage to choke out

'Good,' He smothers my face in a familiar smelling cloth.

Time for a nap....

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