Chapter 46

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⬆️ The hotel room ⬆️

Sage's POV:

'I heard you were in town...' a voice booms throughout the apartment. We've only just put our bags down when Graham appears in front of us.

How did he know we'd be- oh... he owns these hotels

'I saw you made quite the scene at check-in,' he pauses, staring at Jason, 'Anyway, I had some spare time so I thought I'd come and check-in,'

'You don't have spare time Graham,' Jason bluntly, indicating your something more sinister

'Correct, now lets talk, what proposition do you have?' Graham takes a seat at the dining table, 'Oh, of course, if you're not ready I can come back tomorrow?' It seems Graham is trying to get under Jason skin. I'm kinda loving it.

'No it's fine, we're ready,' Jason says, taking my hand into his.

Huh? No, we're not??

'Well, go ahead,' Graham leans back into his seat.

So from my discussions with you, I gather that you want Sage to live with you Graham'

'Or with her family,' Graham interjects. Jason glares at him, then continues, reading his notes that he's pulled out.

When'd he make them?

'You want her to get an education, not see me, know she's safe and happy, not be around my illegal operations and to be around 'normal' people,'

'Sage doesn't want to live with you Graham, a stranger who doesn't even know her, and she wants to see me as she pleases and to live with me,'

When did I say I wanted to live with him tho?

'As of a few hours ago, I bought a building here in Manhattan, I propose that we live in that building with a separate elevator, while my business is operated in the other floors and you check in with Sage every week or two. We're in your city. I am also willing to allow Sage to go to a local school, where she can make friends, and spend time away from me and my business as you wanted. Right, Sage?'

'Right,' what am I agreeing to?

'She's still going to be surrounded by your business, and in a place like Manhattan, there is no way you can secretly run your operations here Jason,'

Jason groans in frustration.

'I propose that you withdraw from your organisation, becoming an investor, and set up management and being less involved. You find another town outside New York, and set up shop.'

'Next, I will drive you to and from school every day and have dinner with you on Saturdays Sage. I do care about you Sage, and I would like to get to know you, for your Mom's sake and yours.'

'Ok but-' Jason says, before getting cut off by Graham,

'Since your new building will have some extra space, without any illegal operations running there, I'll live in the penthouse. To avoid suspicion, the building will be under my name-,'

'Graham, you're not having the penthouse to my building, or snagging 800 million off me,' Jason says, annoyed

'Fine, I'll buy the building from you. No one will believe I live in a building that I don't own,' Graham says after a small glaring contest with Jason, 'Sage is going to be seen with me, no matter how secretive we are, and people will suspect the worst. I want to introduce her to my social circles as my daughter or something, and that I am taking her under my wing. I'll come up with a suitable story later,'

'Won't people recognise her?' Jason snarls

'I believe you are acquainted with Becky. She can help with that, and if she's associated with me, no one will think she's the girl that got kidnapped by Jason McCann.' Graham glares at Jason, 'Oh Happy Birthday Sage, I know your mum would have wanted to see you on this special day,'

'I miss my mum...' I say candidly, then regretting it instantly.

'Vicky can always move in too-'

'NO!' Jason bangs the desk, 'That will be far too obvious, people will be able to tell,'

'Why don't we pretend she's escaped then, reunited publicly while you still secretly see her?' Graham suggests

'Nice try Graham, I'm not dumb enough to turn myself in,' Jason retorts

'I don't have to see her, can't I just write her a letter? Call her?' I plead to Jason

'NO SAGE!' He screams, standing up, out of his chair. 'Forget them, it's you and me now, and that's final!' Jason storms off, out of the room.

Graham lets out a deep sigh, muttering something to himself. His attention draws back to me.

'Sage, why don't I show you around the place,' then whispering, 'Don't worry Sage, I'll help you talk to your mum,' before giving me a tour.

This hotel suite is more like a house! Except minus the kitchen and laundry, and replace with a private theatre and snack bar. The rooms are ornately decorated in a white and gold, French style. I personally find it kinda tacky, Versailles as a point of inspiration for luxury spaces is SO overdone. I'm not an interior designer, but I've seen enough MTV cribs and Architectural Digest to know what's in the no-go zone.

I'm glad the actual place we're staying in is totally my style and really beautiful.

I think back to Jason walking out. I can't believe he won't let me see my Mum, I love her and miss her even more. Why does he even care? The bullshit about 'it's just me and you??' umm No? I wish instead of shopping for my birthday, that he surprised me with my Mum.

Beggars aren't choosers.

Hi everyone,

If you enjoyed, pls vote and comment xx I wish all of you the best, and hope you are all doing well in these crazy times!

Please stay safe 💜
Jennyyyy xx 135k

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