Chapter 48

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Sage's POV:

Jason told me to be waiting here at 10.30, and it's 11.20 and there's still no sign of anyone. I look around the ridiculous dining room in this ridiculous presidential suite, I prefer a more minimalist aesthetic.

I then hear some distant murmurings which get louder, until Jason, Graham and Becky burst through the door. Becky... I met her at the beginning of all of this. She's the one who Jason dropped me off with after he kidnapped me all those months ago.

She sees me sitting at the table and says, 'I didn't expect to see you here.... alive,'

'It's nice to see you too Becky,' I reply

'What's all this about Graham,' Jason growls, annoyed.

'This weekend, my good friend Barnaby is having his wedding anniversary banquet, I think it'd be a great place to introduce Sage to my friends, family and associates.'

Why is Becky here?

'No no no, that's too soon,' Jason says, taking a seat next to me, Becky and Graham sit across from us.

'Actually, it'd be a great time,' Becky says, and all heads turn to her. 'The press is going to find out about Sage within the next few days, it's better that you control the narrative than to recover from Sage being "Winthrop's new young lady," and then no one will believe they're not fucking,'

Jason tenses at that statement, his grip around me tightening. Becky's grown some balls since the last time I saw her. As I recall, she was sucking up to Jason so bad.

'Fine, take her to your friends boring party, but I'll have to come too,'

'Woah Woah Jason, there is no way you're coming. This is an intimate gathering of Barnaby's inner circle and family, I can't just bring twenty plus ones,'

'I'll be your "security" detail' Jason says

'No, security is provided at these events, you're not coming,'

'Ok well we need to solidify Sage's story,' Becky but's in, changing the subject. 'It'll need to be believable but also foolproof,'

'I said she could be my long lost daughter,'

'But you were married when Sage was born, you want people to think you're a cheater?' Becky replies, reading through her notes

'How about you are just bringing her under your wing like as a mentor ' Jason suggests

'There'd be romance rumours? A rich older man living with a young girl he's 'mentoring' and just 'friends' with, people won't buy it,' Becky rebuts

'How about she's my goddaughter,' Graham suggests, 'her family died and I'm her next of kin,'

'That could work, I could fabricate some local news stories about a tragic house fire,' Becky begins typing on her laptop, pausing every few seconds to think.

'How about-' Graham stays

'Shhh!' Becky hisses, pointing her fingers. Only Becky could tell The Graham Winthrop to 'shh'

'So the story is that; her 'Father' and Graham did business together and used to good friends, however, they had a fight and drifted apart after that. You don't really know much, but it makes you very upset to talk about your dead father. The house fire happened on the 5th of June, and you lost your Dad and Mum and you were at school when it happened. You lived in an old rural house, your parents were retired. You wanted to move away from Mount Pleasant because being there just reminded you of your parents, and you want a fresh start. Hearing the news, Graham, you wanted to help all you can, feeling guilty you and her Dad never made up, and that she is your goddaughter after all,' Becky states monotonously, continuing, 'I'll create a more detailed file tonight which you will have to memorise entirely, and make convincing,'

'Where do I fit in,' Jason demands

'You're a family friend, like a brother to her,' Becky smirks to herself

'Why not her Boyfriend!'

'Because Jason,' Becky explains as if she is talking to a 2-year-old, 'then people will want to hear about you and her friends will want to meet you, which cannot happen,'

'But won't people recognise me?!' I blurt out

'No, because we're going to make you look different, and you as well Jason,'

'What?!' Jason growls

'Unless you plan on staying confined to your apartment. You cannot be Jason McCann and prancing around New York, there's police on every corner, and people will recognise you in any restaurant. But don't worry, it won't be too drastic, a dye your hair, wear sunglasses and try not to stand out too much,'


'But you Sage, we'll have to do a lot more since people will be seeing you up close. To the public, your still a missing persons. Hmm, dye your hair, a different eye colour, perhaps a little plastic surgery and heavy facial feature changing makeup and some other things. But first, what will your new name be Sage?'

My new name??? Oh right, it's an instant give away if I keep my name.

'Umm, how about Paige?'

'Perfect, a similar sounding name will be easier to adjust to, Sage Tierson, now introducing..... Paige Williams,'

'Wonderful!' Graham exclaims

Jason turns to me, leaning in 'I like Sage, but this Paige girl seems even sexier,' kissing me right there. I pull away in embarrassment, Graham and Becky having to deal with us. The situation then settles in my mind,

If I end up making friends at school, my whole life will be a lie, they won't even know my real name. There's no way I'm going to keep it in that long!

'I don't know if I can do this..' I say, tears welling in my eyes

'Hey, Graham says holding my hand supportively, 'I know you can Sage,' Jason, wanting to one-up Graham, drapes his arm around my shoulders.

'You don't have to lie to them, just emit the sensitive details.' Becky states, 'Change the subject, say you'd prefer not to talk about it, that it's too emotional and that you'll talk about it when you're ready.'

'And if I'm there Sage, I'll handle it, you won't have to say a word, just look at the floor and seem sad,'

I consider all these things, no doubt I'll have to adapt as I actually go back to school, and people as questions I'm not prepared for. But otherwise, I can just be myself, the only thing I omit is my family and my life I have before this.

'I think I can do it,' I say confidently, determined to make this crazy situation work.

Hey Lovely Readers,

Hope you are all safe 💜 Providing that quarantine content for u guys, and as always, please vote and comment if u liked reading this chapter 💜

Lots of love,
Jenny 💜 140k

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