Chapter 34

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⚠️Smut Warning⚠️

Sage's POV:

Did that really just happen??

I blush just thinking about the events that just unfolded.

Jason and I are in the back while Tony drives us back to the hotel. Jason's mouth is on my neck and his hands are lower, one on my chest and one one my ass.

'Wait-wait,' I say, pushing him away. What is happening?? what just happened in the club?? I'm trying to make sense of this... whatever is going on. Jason looks at me

'Jason.. I'm confused...,' I say, realising where I am, in a car, in Atlanta traffic, with Tony right there!

'Baby chill out, were just having some fun,' he says, leaning into me again, but I push him away.

'B-but, don't you care what that girl just did to me? Like what??'

He leans back and seems irritated.

'No, it's just sex,' he explains, 'besides, it's just attraction, it's not like she was gonna take you from me.'


'But to be clear baby, if you ever fuck someone behind my back, I will kill them and punish you,' he growls, 'you wouldn't do that, would you baby?'

His hands slowly wrap around my neck, as he presses up against me. His hands grip tightly, and my breaths turn into gasps for air.

'Would you baby?' He asks me psychotically, putting more weight on my neck.

'N-nno,' I splutter,

'Good girl,' Jason says, his hands disappearing, removing himself from me, and seemly forgetting our recent intimacy.


For rest of the way back to the hotel suite, Jason remains distant.

I hope I didn't make him angry...

As we get settled for bed, I remember that I have to give my gift to Jason.

I approach him as he sits in bed on his laptop. I slip into bed, placing the small wrapped package on his lap, and then turning off my lamp.

As I pretend to go to sleep, I listen to Jason taking out the card, slowly reading it, and then unwrapping the gift. I hear him slowly flick through the pages, and the tension that follows.

'Sage!' He says, shocked.

'Hmm?' I say, still lying, facing away from him.

'What is this?!' He asks me, turning my light on.

'Wha-what are you talking about?' I ask innocently, and I turn over, towards him.

I am such a tease... ;)

'This!' Pointing at small notebook I lovingly crafted for him. The pages plastered with nude photos of me in various positions around the suite.

'Ohhh that,'

'Yes! This!' His face becoming redder by the minute.

'What about it?' I ask innocently, batting my eyelashes.

He gives me a predatory glare, ok fun's over.

'Well I had to get you a birthday present,'

'Who took the photos?!' His face especially red.

'Oh I hired a photographer to help me out, he was great... Tony helped out too,' I reply, trying to conceal my smirk.

'WHAT?! TONY!!!' Jason shouts, jumping out of the bed and loading his gun.

'NO-NO-NO WAIT! Jason, wait!' I say, holding him back from leaving the bedroom. 'I'm just teasing you, I took them myself, using a Polaroid camera with a timer,'

He tosses his gun across the room, 'What the hell Sage!' He groans

Knock knock at the door

'You called Boss?' Tony shouts from the other side. I slide back under the covers and pretend to be asleep again.

Jason sighs, 'False alarm Tony,'

'Yes Boss,' And I hear Tony walk away.

'No-You don't get away with this,' he says sternly

I giggle, still pretending to sleep.

I think the alcohol must have gotten to me...

Jason slides back under the covers and spoons me.

'You are a naughty, naughty girl,' he whispers in my ear, his hands travelling between my legs.

His fingers tease me from on top of my panties, slowly sliding under. His touch sends ripples of pleasure throughout my body.

'Mmmm,' I moan

The it stops.

'You can't give me a boner from your photos, and expect nothing else baby,' he purrs

I then squeeze the large bulge on his thigh, 'why don't you let me help you then,' I whisper back.

His eyes widen, then flashing anger. Jason quickly gets out of the bed and starts putting his clothes on.

'What are you doing Jason.. come back in bed...'

He tucks his gun in waistband and zips his pants up. Clearly fuming, he mumbles something to himself before slamming the door and leaving me alone.

Umm... Jason??wtf??

Whatever, I'm tired, imma sleep.



I'm awoken by some loud noises, it sounds like there are some people in the suite, I might be in danger.

I quickly dress and go looking for the source of noise. It seems to be coming from across the suite, so a tiptoe closer and closer, using my ninja skills to remain 'unseen'

'Uh, uh Jason!!!' I hear a girl shout from inside the room. Oh no! Is Jason gonna kill her!!

I burst in, but instead of seeing a girl a gunpoint, I see a girl bent over and Jason ploughing into her.

My jaw drops, and I stand their shocked.

'Sage!' Jason shouts, 'Get out!'

'Who's thAt?' The girl asks annoyingly.

'She doesn't matter, Sage! GET OUT!' He shouts.

My mind finally registers what he's saying and I scoot.

I know he fucks other women but I've never seen him do it.

Ahh eww I can't get the image out of my mindddd

I put myself to bed and try and process what just happened.

So we were fooling around, I touched him, and then he stormed off. He then gets someone else to fuck??

'She doesn't matter,' he said,

she doesn't matter

Am I just another hoe to him? Someone he only likes playing with, because he sure doesn't let me touch him one bit!
But he lets some random chick though???

Am I not enough for him?

I guess not...

p.s thank you so much for 81k!!!

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