Chapter 60

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His lips on mine, sea breeze blowing through our hair.,.,

'Miss Williams... Paige Williams!' My English teacher calls, snapping me out of my daydreams.

'Yes, sorry Ms Engelton,' I stammer, straightening my posture in my seat.

'It seems your not listening in most of my classes, mind sharing what was more important than listening to your teacher?' Humiliating me in front of the class, I hear a few snickers from the back of the class.

'Umm, it was nothing important, I was just remembering.... all of the homework I need to do tonight,' I make up on the spot, 'I'm sorry, it won't happen again,'

'Hmm, I was asking you what the main themes were in the novel I've assigned the class,' Ms Engelton explains, 'Would you mind telling the class which novel that is,'

Oh shite.

'Umm,' I pretend cough while looking around the room. I spot a few Great Gatsby books on students desks. 'Pardon me, the Great Gatsby, by Scott F. Fitz,'

Giggles and chuckles erupt in the class.

'It's F. Scott Fitzgerald but points for effort,' Ms Engelton replies mockingly. 'And Miss Williams, the main themes of the novel are,' she writes;
1. The American Dream
2. Class
3. Love / Marriage

'Using these themes, you could do a representation reading or a Marxist reading in your essays due next week...'

Eh, English is boring and useless. I'll just watch the movie and I'll be fine. I'm starting to enjoy Biology and History, and I don't even really mind doing maths anymore. But English... I just haven't got around to liking it yet.

The bell rings and I rush to get out of Ms Engelton's clasp. Finally free. I walk to my locker and swap my English books for my History books, we're studying the Civil War!

'Hey,' I hear Sam call, he leans against the lockers while I close mine up. 'I'm having a party this weekend, do you wanna come?'

'Umm, sure! When is it?' I ask, walking to my History class.

'It's on Saturday night, everyone's gonna be there,' Sam explains, walking along the halls with me. 'I'm having it at our place on Long Island,'

Long Island? Isn't that a little far?

'Cool, I'll have to check with Graham though,' I say, looking down at the ground, 'but I hope I can make it,' I smile up at him.

'Well, I'll send you the details now,' Sam pulls out his phone, 'Done,'

'Thanks, Sam, see you at lunch!'

'Bye!' And we walk off in our separate directions. I sneak into a janitors closet and call Graham, I text him the details of the party.

Please pick up...

'Yellow?' Graham croaks through the phone. Classic Dad joke. I'd always see them on tv shows, my Dad was never sober or present enough to be that Dad.

'Haha, Hey Graham. Did you see my text? My friends having a party this weekend, I was wondering if I could go?' I ask fingers crossed that I can.

'Let me just read it...' I wait in anticipation for his response.

'This Saturday? Sands Point? Yes, I can organise that for you,' Graham says, yay!! 'Although I'll have to make an excuse... having dinner at a friend's in Sands Point. Jason's got a tracker in you remember?'

'Oh yeah...' I realise, becoming conscious of the chunk of metal in me, transmitting my location to Jason every moment.

'Is that all? I need to take a call,'

'Yes thank you, Graham!' Hanging up on him.

I discreetly slide out of the janitors closet and put my phone away, the school doesn't like us using our phones.

I can't wait for this party!

A few days later...

I've finally finished getting ready for tonight! (⬆️Dress⬆️) I gather my things and attempt to avoid Jason on my way out. My dress is... well not approved by a nun :)

'Where are you going dressed like that Baby?' Jason's voice booms behind me.

'Oh just to one of Graham's dinner parties,' I brush off, knowing I am dressed for far more than a dinner party with old men. Jason knows it too. His eyes darken as they scan my body.

'I think you'll be cold Sage... here,' Jason passes me one of his big fur coats that's lying around. He steps closer to me, holding my chin in his hand, 'I don't want you going out like this baby,' he purrs in my ear possessively.

'I-I'm sorry, I just really like this dress,' I stare innocently, stepping back, 'and I don't have anywhere to wear it to...' He steps closer to me, backing me against the wall.

'Sage I hope you're not wearing this for some boy...' Jason cages me against the wall, 'because you know the consequences... and I won't be holding back, like I did with Jack,'

Oh, I kinda forgot about Jack... no, I can't let Jason hurt Sam.

'N-no I would never,' I avoid his eye contact, 'I've got to go now,' I blurt, pushing past his possessive stance, and heading out the door.

'Sage!' He stops me in my tracks, I'm halfway out the door. 'Come back here tonight, I don't want you sleeping at Graham's,' Jason orders.

'Um, ok,' I utter, quickly shutting the door behind me. He's suspicious... oh no

Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing with my life...


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