Chapter 47

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Sage's POV:

After Graham showed me around the suite, he told me that he had to get going, and said goodbye. I hardly know him, but I think he really does care for me. What do I know anyway...

I find Jason and I's room, and see that Tony's brought our bags into the wardrobe. Jason's fast asleep on the bed, still with his dirty clothes on from today. He must have accidentally dozed off.

I look through my duffel bag to find my facial wash and hairbrush. I dig through the jewels and designer clothes, coming across an envelope.

What is this?

On the front, it reads 'Sage,' in my mother's handwriting. What?!

'Oh and Sage, your mother wanted me to give you this,' Graham hands me an envelope.

Graham gave it to me the first time we met. I must've forgotten about it... I look over the Jason and see him sleeping soundly, this might be my only chance to read it

I slip the envelope under my shirt and walk over quietly to the bathroom. I lock the door behind me and turn on the shower, if Jason wakes up, he'll just think I'm having a shower.

I don't know if Jason would care or not, knowing I'm reading a letter from my mother. But I sure as hell do not want to find out.

I carefully tear the envelope open, trying to not make too much of a sound, then sliding out the letter.

My baby girl Sage,

I hope that this letter reaches you before it's too late my dear. No doubt Jason will want to keep you far away from me.

I love you so much darling, and I am so sorry that a twisted man saw you, and decided he could do what he pleased and took you away from everything you know, and from me. I fear he has already manipulated you into thinking you have feelings for him.

Do not underestimate him, he will manipulate you into doing what he wants. Do not be fooled by his charms and see the truth, a heartless murderer, with a dangerous obsession for a teenager. This is not a reflection on you as naive, but on Jason as absolutely corrupt.

My baby, I have worked so hard to get in contact with someone who can save you. Graham is a good man, he is disgusted by Jason's actions as his business partner. You must understand dear, he is an evil man, and you have to get away from him. If you just mention it, Graham will help you escape and sort everything out.

You must get out while you're still alive. Despite what he might have told you, Jason killed his sister. Jazmyn confronted him
about human trafficking and weaponry in his organisation. The neighbours heard. His temper got out of control and he shot her. Jason blamed it on a rival gang but his DNA was all over the crime scene, he paid off the police.

Sagey, if he couldn't handle his sister disapproving of him, imagine what he'll do to you. Baby, please come home.

I love you so much,

I'm shocked.

That is not what I expected.

Did he kill Jazmyn?

I rip up the letter into tiny pieces and flush it down the toilet, then hopping in the shower to process my thoughts.

He can't have killed Jazmyn, Aleksei dated her, she would have known. Aleksei told me what happened, not Jason.

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