13: Boot camp

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Sage's POV

'Time to wake up!' Someone yanks the duvet off me and shakes my shoulders

'Eh?' I mumble, barely awoken from my dreams

'Get up!' Becky orders

I'm taken to an office like room, sitting across from her.

'So I've finished all the technical stuff, now I need to learn more about you. Oh- and here's the outline of the procedures I did yesterday.' She slides me a sheet, I skim through the contents, 'lasering' 'facial grooming,' 'hair cut' 'sterilisation' -wait what?

'Sterilisation??!!' I ask

'Yes, while you were out I operated down there so there no more periods. But don't worry!! I've frozen your eggs so if you want children you can get a surrogate,' she smiles

How kind of her to let me keep MY eggs

...?.....I'm in shock.... wtf

So I can't ever... even have to choice to be pregnant?

'I know it's a bit confronting... but see it this way, you won't have to deal periods anymore!! And it won't interrupt anything you, or Jason, wants to do...'
She snatched back the list and pulls out a new sheet.
'I'm gonna ask you a few questions, answer truthfully,'

'Ok...' I'm still processing what was taken from me

'How good are you at doing your own makeup?'

'Pretty good, it's fun,' I reply dryly

'Good... have you ever done any style of dancing before?'

'Umm, no?'

'Okayyyyyyy then... do you have a regular gym workout routine?'

'Not really, but I do volleyball'

'Ok, describe your eating schedule,'

'Wellllll, I eat whatever Mom brings home, or what's at school.'

'Have you ever had a sexual interaction?' My head turns at this one.

I laugh awkwardly, 'Ummm no?'

'Have you ever been in a romantic relationship with anyone?'

'Welll, not exactly...'

'What do you mean by that?'

'I liked this guy for ages, and eventually he asked me out, but then he ghosted me and acted like nothing even happened. So no...'

'So you haven't kissed anybody?'

'Well.... one time I was drunk at a sleepover and made out with my friend... But it was for a dare I promise!!'

'Was she a girl?'


'So are you into girls as well?'

'Ummm I don't really know, I haven't really thought about it.'

'I need an answer,'

'You're bi,' she jots down in her notes.

ok then....... ?

We spend the next few hours improving my make up skills, hair styling, making a work out and meal plan, just to name a few.

'You know guys actually like bi girls. You don't have to be worried.' Becky says randomly, I don't even know if I'm bi Becky?? 'Some guys even prefer more than one, it's like their fantasy,'

W.T.F BECKY!!! TMI!!!! I swear she doesn't think before she speaks.

'You should really be paying attention Sage,' she says annoyed, 'I'm just trying to help you, you know,' yeah right.. 'If you can't satisfy Jason, THE Jason, he'll just find someone who can. Meanwhile leaving you in a ditch,'

'Why is everyone so scared of him Becky??' I'd never even heard of Jason before

'He's Jason McCann. JASON MCCANN. Ring any bells?'
Hmmm- wait Jason McCann????
The leader of.... The drug trafficking kingpin... The murderer.... The-The number one on fbi's most wanted list?...

My mind goes back to Josh, and the 'J' on his cheek. It wasn't J for Josh...

It was J for Jason.... that's why everyone was so scared.... that's who beat Josh up... Jason's the reason Josh left me...

The Jason.

The Jason saw me once at a gas station and decided to kidnap me.


'Oh,' I sit there in realisation, it all hits me at once.

'You CAN-NOT afford to make a mistake with him. YOU HEAR ME? He's gonna be here soon and you STILL don't realise?! I never warn my patients, but you NEED to know or you're going to dead!!

There's no use running away, you have a tracker in you, not that he needs it. Jason can access anything, camera, phones, all of it. he will hunt you down and find you.

If you want to live, do EXACTLY what he wants you to do. Because he is quick with his gun and even quicker pulling the trigger. I expect you to be on your best behaviour when he arrive alright?!'

'Yes Becky,' I say, realising the weight of her words,

I'm in some deep shit

gang leader's prisoner (18+)Where stories live. Discover now