Chapter 35

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Am I not enough for him?

I guess not


Jason's POV:

I'm driving her mad.

And a part of me enjoys it, another part stops me from going too far with it.

Maybe I went too far this time.

She wants me, she wants to have me so bad, but I keep stopping her, depriving her of what she wants.

Which drives her mad.

And I'm going a bit mad too, this tension between us is becoming unbearable.

But she's not one of my sluts, she's gonna be my wifey. I'm never letting her go. When it finally happens, it's going to be special. The longer I make her wait, the more she's going to beg for it.

And there's nothing I like better than a girl on her knees.


Sage's POV:

Atlanta is a cool city.

Jason has decided we're going to walk around the city and be tourists.

Despite what happened last night.

From which I am still ...VERY HURT...




Swim Swim Swimming

Jasons dragged me some aquarium, he said he came here as a kid, and that blah blAh BLAH

It's not like I care.


I don't even want to be around him! How can he act so normally after what I walked in on last night?!

I have to restrain myself, I can't get mad him, or he'll get mad at me, and I do not want that.

Before we came, Jason made me put on a disguise, a wig, makeup and fake glasses. Jason said it's because doesn't employ or pay off the police here, cheap bastard. And they will recognise me from all the news coverage. Yet he doesn't wear any disguise??

I suppose this is meant to be a date.

Looking at the fishes and all.

And what's worse is that Jasons being so perfect, and for brief moments I forgot about who he truely is. How much bad he has done.

'You look beautiful today,' Jason says.


You can tell I cried myself to sleep.

'Thanks Jason,' I reply in a sickly sweet voice. Trying to sound loving but screaming inside.

Maybe he's trying to make up for last night. Impossible. There's no way he'd consider someone else's feelings in a relationship.


As we exit the aquarium, I notice a policeman talking to someone at the counter. I overhear,

'....tip-off that Jason McCann was spotted...with a girl... Sage... kidnapped from Washington...'

If I get the policeman's attention, I could be free.

Even if it's just for a little while...

All I feel is pain, all the time. I miss my Mom, I miss my friends, I miss having a future to look forward to. Instead I'm being kind fucked by the most wanted person in the US. WhAt is mY lIfE!!

I'm paralysed, in fear, what do I do?

I just want to be free.

Jason whisks me around outside, and out of sight of the police. I back away from him, leaning against the wall, he follows me.

Something falls on my top, rain?


I'm crying.

This is just too much, he messes with my mind, showing interest with me, and then suddenly leaving, his constant mood flips, loving to annoyed, nice then angry. I am walking on eggshells, and one wrong step and he'll shoot me-


'Hey!' Jason projects, pulling me out from my trance. I'm pressed against a wall and his arms are placed on either side of my shoulder.

'Earth to Planet Sage, come on, let's go,' he says, completely ignoring my crying, which only makes me sob more.

'No... I can't do this anymore Jason,'

'You don't have a choice,' Jason says, then softening. 'Sa-age, it's okay, just chill out-'

'NO JASON! It's NOT okay!' I shout, Jason's paralysed in shock at my sudden outburst, so I use it. 'You have taken my life away Jason! My family, my friends! And instead forced me to become your... your I don't even know what! A maid? A friend? An occasional lover and plaything? A punching bag! And I can't take it anymore Jason, I can't... You have broken me to the point I don't know if I wanna live' I say, did I just say that?? then start crying even more. Jason opens the door of the car and shoves me in.

'Tony, to the airport,' he says before looking to me. '...look, I'm sorry for what you saw last night, but it doesn't warrant this kind of reaction! I'll let it go this time, come here baby,' he says, leaning into me and kissing my neck.

'Get. Off. ME!' I growl, roughly push him off me, his back knocking against the other door.
'This is not just about last night! You have beat me up bruised an bloody! You threaten my family's life! You are so controlling of me, you expect me to obey every word you say and not question it at all!! You randomly kiss me and touch me, but run any time I get close to you!! And I am tired of all of it!!' I shout, moving away from him in the car.

'Do you want me to beat yo' ass again bitch!' He screams, 'It seems you need reminding of who is in charge here!' Jason pulls out his gun, loading it then pointing it at me.


Jason presses it against me head, glaring into my eyes, then pulling it away.

'Didn't think so,' I remark smugly

'YEAH BITCH?!' He shouts, pulling out his gun and loading it again.


The End.

JUST KIDDING!!!! New chapter next week

Xx Jenny (84k omg!)

gang leader's prisoner (18+)Where stories live. Discover now