Chapter 54

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'There seems to be an issue, Paige...'

Oh no... have they me worked out?!

'The scan of your birth certificate is a bit blurry, would you mind bringing in a clear copy tomorrow?' She asks I'm off the hook thank goodness

'Uh, yes! Yes of course,' I stutter, shifting the uncomfortable position of my bag.

'Ok so here's your timetable, school details, ID, and things you'll need for today,' she hands back my documents as well as a few more, 'Your buddy, Lea, is waiting at the end of the hall lovely, have a good first day!'

'Thank you!'

I trudge down the hall in search of Lea, end of the hall? This hall goes on forever! I set my bag down on the floor, shoving my documents back in.

'Paige?' A confident voice calls from behind me. I pick my bag up and turn to her,

'Yes?' I ask, coming face to face with a barbie doll, tall, pretty and shiny lip gloss.

'Hey! I'm Lea, and I'm your buddy!' She squeals, giving me a big hug.

'I-it's nice to m-meet you,' I stutter, caught off guard by her sudden affection.

'Girl, I've been waiting so long! Why were you late?' She asks dramatically

'Um, I d-didn't know I-,'

'Anyway, it doesn't matter,' she interjects, 'I need to give you a tour of the school and homeroom starts in half an hour !! Let go!'

Lea whisks me across the campus, showing me the 4th-floor gymnasium, 6th-floor pool, underground emergency shelter, canteen, ancient library, rooftop garden, different departments.... the list goes on. She managed to show it all though, us slightly jogging and getting our cardio in for the day, thank god for the elevators.

Lea could defiantly come off as a mean girl, although she's really just overly dramatic and honest to a fault. She's fun to be around, entirely uncaring of others opinions of her, a total diva. I can tell we're going to get along.

'And lastly, 3 minutes to spare, is our homeroom! Welcome,'

Students are scattered around the sleek modern classroom, talking in friendship groups. Lea takes my arm and struts over to her group, I scan the faces as they look towards us, and I recognise Lavender!

'Ladies, Gentleman! I present to you,' Lea says dramatically, 'Miss Paige Williams!'

All of their eyes are on me now, I look into Lavenders for comfort, she smiles warmly. I count 4, Lea, Lavender, a boy and another girl.

'Hey... I'm Paige,' I stammer, politely smile,

'Paige,' Lavender gets up and hugs me, 'Graham introduced us at my parents anniversary banquet,' Lavender speaks up, pulling out a chair for me to sit on.

'Ohhhh, you're Graham's goddaughter...' one of the boys

'Is it true you're fucking him?' The girl I'm yet to be introduced to asks abrasively.

'Woah woah woah, personal Tia!' Lea exclaims, 'let's introduce ourselves first, then we can interrogate her...'

'Well obviously, I'm Tia,' she smirks, I notice a few of her shirt
buttons being undone, and her skirt rolled up wayyy to high.

'Charles,' the man barely fitting in his seat softly utters, his muscles bulging through his sleeve. Shy jock?

'Well I'm S-Paige obviously, and no,' I look at Tia, 'I'm not fucking Graham, you think I want that wrinkly old stick? Hell no,' I reply boldly, knowing I need to shut down these rumours.

'How come we've never seen you before hmm?' Tia retorts, crossing her arms.

'Tia..' Charles starts, leaning towards her.

'Because...' I start, 'because... I'm sorry I-,' I bring my hands to my eyes and begin fake being upset.

'Tia! Her parents died that's why!' I hear Lavender's soft voice go off 'Now look what you've...' her voice fades away.

Just as I'm going out of the door, someone collides into me, causing their papers to fall and scatter in the hallway.

'I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going,' I apologise, falling to the ground, picking up the things that dropped.

'Don't worry about it,' a deep, charming voice replies. My eyes move up his tall toned body, meeting his pretty brown eyes on his pretty-pretty boy face.

I stand up and hand his papers to him. 'I'm Sam, you are?' He respectfully asks me, giving me a sweet smile.

'I-I'm Paige,' I reply, unable to look away from his eyes.

'Hey, are you ok? you seem kinda upset,' referencing my 'teary' eyes and bags under my eyes. He comfortingly places his hand on my shoulder.

'Yeah... it's my first day and, it's just a little overwhelming is all,' I reply, 'downcastly' looking at the floor. I need an Oscar...

'Aww, that's odd transferring midterm,'

'Yeah it's a long story,' I giggle, dis boy is finneeeee

'Wait- I think I recognise you from somewhere,' Sam realises, analysing my face.

Hey all!!

Thanks so much for reading 💜💜I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did, please vote / comment, it means a lot to me and I love reading all your comments xx

Love u guys xxx Jennyyyy💜

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