Chapter 24

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Sage's POV

'C-can I get you guys anything this evening?' The waitress asks, but the table is silent. I clear my voice and say,
'Can I please get a cheese burger and fries?' I say, looking to Jason for approval, he nods his head.
'Anything else?'
'No, that will be all,' Jason commands. She writes down my order, then looks at me again, this times puzzled. Her eyes then widen and flit to the TV, where the news is, she looks between me and the tv a few times then rushes off with my order.

I look at the TV, the head line reads, 'High school student, Sage Tierson missing, last seen getting off her school bus....' my ugly school photo accompanying the description. I'm on the news!!! Maybe they'll find me and save me!! This information lifts my mood, I feel more hopeful that I'll be home soon.

They continue talking about strategy, I can't understand half of what they're saying because of how much code names they use, e.g 'we have to jog the Tardis with minimal chorus and a spiritual acceleration to Jade Den.' I have no idea what he just said but the rest of them seem to understand, nodding and replying in more gibberish.

My burger arrives, the waitresses hands shaking, rattling my plate. Finally some decent food. I dig in, to my classic burger and fries. I meet eye contact with Aleksei, she looks at me like I'm looking at my meal. She then says to Jason,

'Isn't it a bit risky to have her listening to what we say,'

'No, she won't be telling anyone,'

'You sure?'


'It's rare I see you with a girl in public, who is she?'

'She's mine Aleksei,' Jason replies harshly

'I was just asking-'

'You were asking if you could fuck her, now usually I would say yes, but not with this one,' Jason growls, protectively putting his arm around my shoulder. She wanted to have sex me?! Well... I wouldn't mind that. Hmm I wonder how two girls do it..

There's a bit of an awkward silence, the gibberish conversations have halted and we're all waiting to see where this'll end up..

'I apologise if I have disrespected you Sir,' She says

'Get the word out to everyone, Sage is mine and only mine, anyone who disobeys me will suffer the consequences,' He growls, 'this meeting is over, come on Sage,' We walk out of the diner, his hand firmly around my waist. I take a final look at Aleksei, our eyes meet and she winks at me, smirking.

Maybe I am bi.


The next afternoon...

'Sage,' Jason calls down the hallway, coming in from work unexpectedly.

'Yes J-Jason,' I really hope I'm not in trouble.

'Here's your laptop,' He says, handing my phone to me. What?! I can email my Mom!! 'Tony worked on it so that you can't contact anyone, but other than that, all your old stuff is on there, except all social media and communication are blocked,'

'Th-tthank you so much Jason,' I say, leaping to give him a hug. Oopsies, I didn't mean to do that. Jason locks me into a tight hug, then pulling away, his hands brushing my ass and boobs as he retracts.

'I don't want you to be bored here, on it there's access to everything, Netflix, Amazon, whatever.' He says, nawww this is so nice of him.

'Anyway, I have to get back to work, bye Sage,' He says before leaving again, he looks pretty hot today, and he's being all sweet too... NO, STOP IT SAGE! YOU CAN'T LIKE HIM!!!

I forget my feelings and go on my laptop, oh finally! I've missed being on my laptop so much. My poor Minecraft dog must have thought I'd forgotten about him!!!

Hi everyone,

Incase any of you guys were concerned with some of the things I've been writing. I know that some stuff in the story isn't ethically correct, e.g 'being bi is good because then guys can get their fantasy,' this is a dumb outdated idea (obviously).
But this story is set in the real world, and people have these misconceptions. I include these things so that the characters and plot are realistic. Some fanfics I've read seem way too unrealistic for being politically correct. E.g. the kidnapper is a human trafficker / pimp, while simultaneously respecting the women, this doesn't make sense lol.

If u didn't read all that, know I do not agree with the offensive attitudes that some of the characters (Jason) have. And as someone bi/gay/still figuring it out, if my friend said these things for real, I would have a very stern chat to them about it.

Love always, Jennyyy xx

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