16: $120,000

15.6K 239 29

⬆️Boots mentioned later⬆️

We've been driving for sooo long... Jason's held me firmly the whole ride. Every time I try to shift or adjust away from him, he pulls my head back into his lap.

Lying down for hours, yet unable to sleep... maybe because every muscle in your body is in fear. Fear of him. He continues to run his fingers through my hair, asserting his presence, not allowing an escape in my thoughts or dreams either.

'If you're not going sleep, then you have to talk,' he commands

I look up at him confused, the duct tape he put on my mouth is still there??

He lets out an annoyed sigh, 'Nevermind, your screaming will attract attention,'
I look at him pleadingly, did I mention hate this duct tape...
'NO.' He grunts.

Defeated, my dead eyes resume staring at the seat in front of me. Jason moves gaze, now fixated on my face. Looking down at me in his lap, the chains and handcuffs restrict my movement. His long fingers move strands of hair from my face, with a glint of guilt and pity in his eyes.

The feeling quickly vanishes, and his iron clad guard is back up.

'You're lying down so other drivers can't see you and report it. Also safety so my enemies can't shoot you.' Jason tiredly explains, '...just by the way'

'We're here Boss,'

Jason unhooks my chains and uncuffs my feet, leaving only my handcuffs remaining. I anticipate the glorious house that awaits me, even though I was kidnapped, at least I get to live in a mansion right!!!

'Welcome home,' Jason says eerily, sending a shiver down my spine. Wrong again Sage. I look around to see industrial buildings, gravel and barren wasteland. this is his home??? Really!? COME ONNNN

The car drives inside a warehouse, coming to a holt as industrial doors close behind it.

Jason tightly grips my arm and leads me down a maze of dark musty hallways, telling me to keep my head down. I see platoons of men standing guard in the hallways, each of them sharing a terrified look in their eye when they notice Jason.

Is he their boss......?

Jason drags me up some heavily guarded stairs, opening a sturdy door leading me inside.

'Look at me,' my eyes crash with his beautiful blue eyes, before observing the surroundings. Grey carpeted floors and simple art decorating white walls and pot plants wilting in the corners. It's simpler and cleaner than I expected.

'The bathrooms in there,' Jason says motioning to a door to the far left, 'and your room's in there,' opening the door, revealing a dimly lit room.

'We're going out tonight so get yourself ready.' He commands, 'wear these,' he hands me a bag of clothes. 'I have to make a call but know that my men have my apartment and this complex surrounded,' he steps close to me, breathing down my neck.

'and even if you do escape, I own warehouses for miles. No one will hear your screams for help, you'll die alone out there while we search for your body, which will be mauled by the stray dogs,'

'Yes Sir- I mean Jason,' I reply, terrified at the thought.
'You have 20 mins,' His phone buzzes and he dashed off, leaving me alone finally...

I take a deep breath.

That's all I get before I begin searching through my closet, where is the make up?? I only have 20 mins!! Surely it he must have- found it!

I look through the bag he left, revealing white strappy high heels he bought them new?? For me?? Aww I unfold the dress... it barely has enough fabric for me to call it that... crystals upon crystals upon crystals. It's beautiful, but way too revealing for me I guess not anymore.

Inside some aqua boxes are long silver earrings and a crystal chocker. The boxes say "Tiffany's" but I don't think that means anything, maybe a discount store??

At the bottom of the bag is a receipt, I take a glimpse and my jaw *drops*.
Custom Swarovski crystal attire: $15000
White Heels: $3000
Platinum earrings: $2000
Diamond incrusted choker: $120,000

um?!!! wtf?!?!?!?!

gang leader's prisoner (18+)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt