5: Access Granted

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Jason's POV:

*an email from Tony arrives in my inbox*

I look at the time, 12.00 on the dot. I don't pay him well for no reason. I open the file attached and it takes me to an encrypted site.

Restricted Access File

must receive access from JSmcY5 to view this information

Enter access code: ________

*access granted*

Intelligence Profile on Sage Tierson

Occupation: Student
Nationality: American
Address: (click view on google maps)
Living Arrangement: Mother, Father and Grandma
Socio-Economic Status: Working Class

Gender: Female
Height: 5'6
Education Level: Senior
GPA: 2.9
Extra-Curricular: Volleyball
(click here for full grade report)

Siblings: Older Brother, Tom Tierson (died in 2015, aged 21, of an overdose of Opioid pain killers)
Parents: Vikki and Nick Tierson
Mother's Occupation: Part-Time Receptionist and Sugar Baby
Father's Occupation: N/A, trained as a plumber
Observations: Close with Mother, however unaware of the source of various designer bags, used to be close to Grandma and avoids Father at all costs, most likely because of alcoholic tendencies and frequent use of illicit drugs.

Friends: Jenny Frion, Liz Hamer and Jacky Winston
Romantic Relationships: n/a
Social Status: Quiet friend of popular girls
Sexual Orientation: unconfirmed
Sexual Status: inactivated
Observations: Doesn't go to parties, but often hangs out with her close friends

Phone Number: (click to access texts)
Email: (click to access inbox)
Facebook: n/a
Instagram: (click to access account)
Snapchat: (click to access account)
Whatsapp: n/a
Wattpad: (click to access account)
Spotify: (click to access account)
Netflix: n/a (note: can't afford it)

Accessed Surveillance: school security camera, street security cameras and personal technology cameras.
(click here to access)

Contact further to enable 24/7 hr surveillance entailing inside house surveillance, transport surveillance, security detail, tailing unit and/or any other surveillance means available.

Contact me for any other specific details wanted.

*closes laptop*

Well now that I know who she is, I can forget about her and focus on what's important the gang.

I make some calls at my desk, and sort through some of my work... but my mind makes me want to open that computer and find out more... No. I have to work.

(10 hours later)

I open my laptop and look at the email Tony sent me. I shouldn't do this, I think, my mouse hovering over her address, ready to click. I don't even know what I'm feeling, but it reminds me of heroin. Addictive. And I'm not gonna let this.. girl (pfft) fuck my mental up. I close the computer and head up to my bed. No, actually I'm going to a strip club, they'll make me forget her. So I grab my keys and head off in my Lambo.

(5 days later )

This stupid girl. It's been 5 days and I haven't been able to stop thinking of her, she's distracting me day and night, and no amount of substances or sex have been able to get my fucking mind away from her.


I'll let myself stalk her tonight, get her out of my system, then delete everything. I open my laptop and click on all the links in the email.

(1 day later)

She's so fuking cute. Goddammit, there's no way I'm gonna be able to get over her. Not just how she looks, but her, she's like a lil bunny, I want her. And then her body, mmm, snacc.

She's such a clutz, the number of times I've seen her trip up the stairs or drop her books, or just anything dumb like that on the school security footage. So fricking many. I wouldn't be surprised if one day she'd trip and fall out of a window. Stupid girl.

I thought I'd experienced everything my cold heart had to offer, lust, fury, greed, sadness, addiction, others... but this is new. I don't know what to call it, it's an obsession, but more. Maybe this is... no. Someone my age doesn't experience love the first time now. That's for high school and college kids. Whatever, I'm watching her, fulfilling my addiction.

As much I want to, I can't see her in real life. Because if I even much as look at her again, my enemies will find her and use her to get to me. If I show that she means anything to me, outside of lust, they'll know that she means a lot to me. Cus I only fuck girls or work with them, never any romance, and I don't do that.

This is gonna be kept between me and Tony, I don't trust anyone else.

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