Chapter 51

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⬆️ The Penthouse ⬆️

Sage's POV:

'Take a deep breath Sage' Graham says to me quietly in the lift, it's taking a while to get to Graham's friend's penthouse. They're gonna know it's all fake...


'I've told Barnaby and he will dedicate the toast to welcoming you,' Graham quickly whispers into my ears before the elevator doors open.


I walk into the foyer, my arm in Graham's, the penthouse has ornate marble flooring, white walls and decor and beautiful plants and statues.

I feel like I've entered an Italian palace from Rome, that's flying above Manhattan. I see a middle-aged couple standing, welcoming guests. Must be the couple who's wedding anniversary it is.

'Barnaby, my old friend! Linda! Congratulations on 28 years of marriage!' Graham says, shaking Barnaby's hand, and giving Linda a kiss on the cheek.

'I'm so glad you made it Graham! I know how busy you are at the moment with that new building of yours!' Barnaby replies, smiling.

'Yes, I only just moved in a few days ago! I just needed a change in scenery you know, the last building was getting a bit drab,' Graham goes on, chuckling. Jeez, the money on these people...

'And this must be Paige, the lovely young lady you've been telling me about!' Barnaby interjects, Linda looks at him fiercely, then glaring at me.

'Yes! Barnaby and Linda, this is my Goddaughter Paige. Paige this is Barnaby and Linda.' I smile and shake their hands, Linda's is particularly tight.

'I wouldn't want to be too forward, but I offer my deepest condolences for what happened to your family in that tragic fire,'

Can I do this? Can I really act? I quickly get myself together.

'Thank you,' I give a weak smile and look away, pretending to get teary and emotional. 'It means so much that you've invited me into your home, thank you so much,'

'Of course lovely,' Barnaby smiles, patting my shoulder comfortingly. Linda, an artificial smile plastered across her face.

'Well, Barnaby, Linda, see you inside!' Graham smiles, moving us along and into the party. He whispers, 'Good job Paige,'

As we walk in, it seems as if the party quiets a bit, and all eyes fall on us. I know how it looks, Graham, old rich divorced, me, young hot gold digger. It's not me who's a gold digger, that's my Mom! We ignore their looks and Graham flags the waiter for a drink. They all know who he is, they come quickly.

When Graham said we were going to a party, I thought there would be dancing, some strippers or at least some drunk people. But instead, there's just lots of adults standing around, talking with a glass of champagne and some waiters bringing around drinks and nibbles. From what I've observed, the most interesting thing happening is a game of chess in the corner, what a lame party!

Regardless, I play along with it, Graham and I make our rounds, introducing me as his Goddaughter, making small talk, wives clutching their husbands, old men eyeing my titties. Graham mostly keeps the conversation going, covering for me, but I also manage to engage a bit too!! Damn, I'm kinda proud of myself.

A bell rings, capturing everyone's attention, 'dinner is served' a waitress announces. There's a mass migration to the ballroom, where people take their assigned seats at the dining tables. Graham leads us to the front of the room where Barnaby and Linda are seated. Our cursive name cards are right next to Barnaby and Linda, we must be special or something...

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