Chapter 65

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Sage's POV:

'Sage,' His eyes dance over my school uniform, stopping at the hem of my skirt. He pulls a chair out, 'Sit,'

'We have some things to talk about, don't we?' I carefully place my books down and sit in front of him, trying my best not to provoke him. My obidience pleases him.

'What are you doing here Jason?' I ask, drained his never ending mood swings and now his sudden interrupting appearance in my life I was just starting to enjoy.

'Straight to the point I see, well, I'm here to take you home,' he announces, my eyes light up, Back to my Mum?!

'Really?!' I exclaim, sitting up in my seat.

'I knew you missed me baby, I'm tired of listening to Graham,'

'W-what?' I stammer quietly, realising his true intentions.

'We can be together again Sage! But we have to go now, Tony's waiting down stairs, he's taking us far far away from here,' Jason grins at me while my smile fades.

'But... I don't want to go Jason,' I His expression changes in a flash.

'THE FUCK DID YOU SAY?!' Jason screams, he towers over me as I cower further into my seat.

'I-I thought you meant you were taking me home... to my mum-' I try to reason, but it's no use, his flip has switched.

'No Jason, I didn't mean-' I try to reason but it's too late.

'You ungrateful- Without me, you'd have NONE OF THIS! NOTHING! YOU'RE NOTHING WITHOUT ME SAGE! Do you really think all your 'friends' would still like you if you weren't Graham's darling goddaughter? If they knew the truth that you're nothing but white trash with a father as an alcoholic, a dead addict brother and a mom that sucks dick for a living?! You're nothing Sage. REMEMBER THAT!'

'You're right Jason,' Tears spilling from my eyes. 'You've given me so much and... I've missed you so much. I can't stand being away from you.'

His eyes soften, my lying words finding their way into his heart. Jason just stands there, seemly stunned so I take this time to stand up and hold his hand. I don't know what I'm doing, but I can't let him take me today.

'But as much as I miss you, I'm not ready to go just yet.' His face tenses,

'What do you have here I can't give you?!' He commands, a sparkle of sadness in his eyes.

'My friends. I know I'm not being honest with them, but it's fun pretending, and just being a teenager for a little while, that's all I'm asking.' I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head against his chest.

'But I can't just keep on waiting while you get more and more attached to this place. You're never going to be ready, which is why I want a clean cut, and why we should go now,' his voice is calm, but commanding. He rests his head on top of mine while we negotiate peacefully.

'I just want to stay until the Paris trip. A last adventure with my friends.' My voice cracks, my emotions unravelling as I think never seeing my friends again.

'But we can go to Paris anytime Sage, we could go right now if you really wanted,' as tempting as that is, that's like mean spending time with him :/ 'You make it sound like a prison sentence with me,' he strokes my hair as I feel the vibrations of his voice on my forehead.

'Not at all, I can't wait for all of our adventures Jason! Umm travelling... our wedding... our children,' I wince inside at the last two. 'I just want a few final weeks with my friends, I want to say goodbye. Before our big adventure,' God I sound so fricking cheesy. Is Jason really believing this crap?

'Then I promise I'll do what ever you want, I won't try to run or ask for anything ever again. I'm all yours, but please, just give me this one little thing?' I plead, pulling away and looking into his calculating eyes.

'You haven't given me any real reason Sage,' he says to me, thinking. I look down disappointed that my efforts were for nothing. 'But because I love you, just this once, I'll let you have this. You better be grateful.'

'Omg thank you so much Jason!' I bursting with genuine happiness, squeezing him into a hug.

'I'll pick you up as soon as you return from Paris, at the airport, but until then, I'll be waiting.
If you mention any of this to Graham, OR ANYONE, the deal is off and I will not be as kind as I am being right now. Get it?'

'Yes Jason,' I reply, he wraps his arms around me as my arms loosen form him. I uncomfortably stand in the embrace, until he breaks the silence.

'You really want to get married?Have children and all that Sage?' Jason asks me. I gulp, oh no, he thinks I was serious and not just manipulating him... awkies. Guess I'll just have to go along with it...

'Yes, so much! I'm just sad I won't be able to carry our babies,' reminding him of the time he FUCKING STERILISED ME. I'm not still mad or anything... I AM FREAKING FURIOUS AND WILL NEVER FORGIVE HIM. I hope he rots in hell <3

'I'm so sorry about that baby, I don't know what I was thinking back then....' Jason kisses my forehead and unwraps himself from me.

'I love you so much Sage,' notice how he has said ily twice and I have not said it back once. Just an observation. What might this mean Jason?

Jason smiles at me then goes down to the floor, he must have dropped something.

Oh shit.

He's on one knee.

'Sage, will you marry me?'

This is all happening too soon... I don't want to marry him! I stand there, frozen by his sudden proclamation. He holds my hand tenderly, like he actually cares, and that it'll be different this time.

'Well?' Jason asks, looking up at me. No Jason, I don't want to be your bride. I only said that so you would stop being aggressive.

The classroom is plastered with students work, the whiteboard is still full of notes from last period.

'As much as I would love to say yes, this is not quite the place I had in mind for being proposed to,' I communicate calmly, gesturing to the classroom we're in. 'And I can't say yes without seeing the ring! What if it's ugly!' I jest, seeing Jason crack a smile too. Phew, he hadn't taken this personally.

'You're right, this isn't the place. I just got so excited-,'

'And I'm excited too!!! Omg I can start looking at wedding dresses... um venues and plan my dream wedding!!' I muster, worrying how much longer I could keep up this loving happy persona.

'Ok baby,' He pulls me into his arms. 'Anything you want for the wedding, it's yours. I'll even let your mum come!' How generous of him... not.

'Yay thank you so much Jason!' I peck him on the cheek, my cheeks ache from so much fake smiling. Unsatisfied, he pulls me in and deeply kisses me. Look at us, making out in a classroom at lunchtime. Something I wish I was doing with Sa-

'I missed that,' he mumbles against my neck, 'I've really gotta go now baby, I'll see you at JFK when you get back from Paris ok?'

'Ok, I can't wait!'

Jason begrudgingly detaches himself from me, and strides away, stopping and turning back, 'I love you Sage,' ugh I guess I have to say it.

I hesitate, 'I... love you too Jason,' mustering one last grin. And then he disappears.

What have I done.

Ok first of all, I'M SO SORRY!!!! I think this is the longest time I've ever not updated for!! I don't want to say that I'm a senior in the midst of her really important final high school exams but that may or may not be the reason I've not updated in a while. The good thing is that they finish this Thursday and after that, I'll have nothing to do so I'll be updating wayyyy more!! I plan to have the story finished by Christmas, there's around 7-10 chapters left!!! When I finish the chapters I'll be doing some MAJOR editing.

Love u sm xxxx Jenny 💜💜💜

ALSO WE REACHED 200k!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!! (204k now😘😘)

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