Chapter 61

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'I don't wanna talk about it Jason,' I reply defiantly, arms crossed against my chest.

I watch as he paces across the room, I can tell from his stature that he's furious.

'You don't want to tell me what? That you were off at a party? Or that you lied to me,' At this point, Jason is fuming, his anger radiates onto me. His furious bloodshot eyes meet my cowering downcast ones.

'I'm leaving,' I state, not wanting this situation to escalate any further. I scurry across towards the foyer of our apartment. Jason grabs my arm and brings his mouth to my ears.

'If you think you're going to go hide at Graham's, you're mistaken.' He hatefully threatens his warm breath on my neck.

'L-let go of me, Jason!' I yelp as his grip tightens on me, I try to yank my arm from him but his grip is too strong.

'No! You're going to sit down and tell me EXACTLY what happened last night.' I wimped as he drags me to an armchair in the corner.

Jason forces me down on the leather chair and sits in front of me on the coffee table. He reaches behind him and holds his gun, loosely pointing at me.

My breath hitches-

'Now baby, I'd never kill you, but I can make you feel worse than death. I'd advise that you do what I say, or you'll be bleeding out this lovely blue rug,' a sinister smile creeps on his face, 'we wouldn't want that, would we now Sage?'

New York was meant to be a fresh start for us, this apartment was going to be our safe haven, our home. But it seems we've fallen into old habits.

'O-ok,' I fiddle with my fingers in my lap. I'm still wearing the dress from last night and I'm getting cold. 'I'll tell you everything,'

'Great,' Jason likes it when I submit, and it's showing on his face. 'Now let's begin,'


We drive for ages, the tall city blocks shift to medium urban residential and then our limousine passes tall forests with little dots of light where millionaire mansions are hidden away.

'Ok Sage, we're coming up to your friends' place,' Graham comments, 'Please be safe tonight! I'll come and pick you up at 1 ok?'

The car drives down a long and winding driveway. The dense forest opens up into a grand mansion frontage. We turn around the central fountain, and the carefully maintained grass and garden.

'This is Sam's place???' My mouth agape, I'm bewildered.

'It sure is! Ok Sage, promise me you'll be a good girl tonight,'

'Ok I promise!!' And rush out of the car and up the marble staircase. I see the party raging inside through the tall windows. There are a few security guards checking names. I look behind me but Graham's already gone.

'Tonight's going to be so fun!' I mutter excitedly to myself.


'What do you want to know?'

'I want to know exactly how you got to this party, how did you trick Graham? Or did he let you?' Jason growls

'I asked Graham if he'd let me go if he'd make up an excuse for me. It's my fault, I wanted to go,' I confess, knowing I can't lie to Jason.

'Hmm, continue,'

'Umm, Graham dropped me off at the party?? Said he'd pick me up?' Jason watches me, carefully, 'And then... you know what happened after I left,'

'I do, but tell me what happened at the party,' He commands

If only he knew...


'Paige!! I'm so glad to see you!' Sam shouts over the blasting music, having found me in the mosh pit.

'Sam!' I give him a hug, I'm so sweaty from dancing ew...

'Wanna get a drink with me?'

'Yeah!' We work out way through the crowd, hand in hand, and finally into the games room.

People play pool and throw darts, there's a bartender in the corner mixing up drinks for minors.

'Wow Paige, you look-you look beautiful,' Sam stutters, clearly effected by my stunting on him. His eyes drift over my body, entranced by the neon pink dress. Sam quickly snaps out of it, realising his wandering eyes.

'I'm sorry-,'

'Don't be,' I playfully wink at him.

'Whatever you say, baby,' he purrs, that all too familiar nickname rolling off of his lips. 'Can I get you a drink?'

'Umm, I'm ok thanks,' Graham's words echoing in my mind.

'Omg Paige!!!!' 'Lavender! I found Paige,' she calls, Lavender appears in a purple silk number, taking my breath away. Queen. Charles' arm draped around her waist. Surely those two shy baby's get freaky tonight.

An arm slips around my waist, and Sam offers me an orange cocktail.

'I know you said you didn't want any but here's one anyway,' He offers. I consider my options, it looks really yummy too.

'Thanks, Sam,' My head pounds from the blasting music, I rest my head on his shoulder and take a sip.


'Well?' He growls

'Well... I went to the party, I played pool, danced and ate all the snacks.'


'And I drank too much and was vomiting in the toilet most of the night,' it's true...

'There weren't any... boys?'

'No,' my palms start sweating 'None that talked to me,' Jason leans in closer to me.

'Well Sage, I find that hard to believe,' Jason stands up and spins his gun around his finger.

'Because any teenage boy who saw you looking like that,' He gestures to my revealing pink dress, 'Wouldn't have been able to keep their eyes off of you,'


His brown eyes watched me the rest of the night, as I danced, as I stumbled around and as I watched him watch me.

I was dancing like this just for him, hell, I wore this dress just for him. I can't justify my feelings, I shouldn't feel this way. But the more intoxicated I become, the clearer I see how much I want Sam.

Here's another chapter!! In case you're confused, Sage is talking to Jason the day after the party and the italics are the flashbacks to the party. ~something~ went wrong and now Jason knows she went.

Thanks so much for 186k!! We're also ranked 7th on the Bieber tag which is so cool!!

Xx Jennyyy 💜

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