Chapter 42

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Sage's POV:

We're on our way to the club, Tony's driving the limousine and Jason's on the phone shouting at some mf.

Last night was surreal.

When I woke up in my bed the next morning, and I didn't know if I had been dreaming or what.

Not even I, could have dreamt of it being like that...

Damn he was good.

I didn't know for sure until he came back in the afternoon, and gave me that smirk. Like he was thinking, 'yeah I did that,'

Not to mention that we've been much more touchy than before, even know with him shouting on the phone, his arm's around my shoulder and I'm snuggled against him. This casual intimacy is nice. I've never really *dated* anyone before, but at school I always saw the jocks do this kinda thing to their cheerleader girlfriends in the hallways. I always wanted my own jock boyfriend to hold me like that, showing everyone who I belonged to.

I guess the leader of the most feared gang in America will just have to suffice.


Jason's busy talking to clients, and my mind keeps drifting off in boredom. I'm in Jason's stone-hard grip, his arm snaked around my waist, not letting me go and dance.

Then I get the idea,
'Would you like a drink babe?' I whisper in his ear. Jason nods, then kisses my cheek, continuing to talk to clients and letting me go. I navigate my way through the crowds of sweating bodies, dancing to the loud music. I see the exit, where people are lined up to get in.

I could escape now... I could find- no. He said he owns the town:... and he knows where my family are:... and he'll no doubt do the worse to me when he finds me, and besides... I don't think I wanna leave.

I brush off the thoughts and continue, finally getting out of the crowd of dancing and to the bar.

'Hello, can I get two martini's please,' I say to the lady making drinks.

'Sure,' she replies, 'but show me some ID,' ahhh shit

'Umm,' I say, then pretending to look for it in the non-existent pockets I have, 'I'm really sorry, I can't find it- I'm sure I brought it with me...'

She then precedes to glare at me, with the, 'I know what you're up to,' look.

'Well maybe a nice tip and I'll forget about it...' she says impatiently, wanting to serve other customers.

'Umm about that, I don't have any,' I say

'You don't have any what?'

'Money.' She looks at me as if she's going to explode.

'FIRST you come up to the bar, looking not a day over 16! THEN you think I'm STUPID enough to think YOUR virgin ass is over 21! AND NOW, you expect FREE drinks! Not to mention, you expect me NOT TO CALL SECURITY?! Let this be a lesson for you bitc-'

I grab the hand pointing in my face, pulling her close to me, 'I'm with him,' I say, my jaw clenched, using every ounce of control I have left to hold myself back. If Jason knew about this... I could ruin her life.

'DO YOU THINK I GIVE A FU-' she sees who I'm pointing at. 'Oh,' she cowers, instantly stiffening up in fear. I guess people really do know who he is. She quickly mixes the drinks, handing me two different.

'Boss's regular and your martini,' she says before moving onto the next customers, acting like she didn't just scream at me.

I make my way back to Jason, who has some new company... three girls in less clothing than me. They all look pretty pathetic, desperately trying to seduce Jason because of his wealth and position around here.

'...we could all sneak off and have some fun...' I overhear one of the girls say to Jason.

'Jason!' I say overly happy, alerting the wenches around him of my presence. 'I got your drink,' handing him his whiskey and plonking my fat ass on his lap.
The girls, threatened by my presence glare at my perceived invasion, opposed to their infestation. I don't want to catch whatever's in their mank coochies'.

I chug my martini, suspecting I'll need it. Ugh, my throat burnssss, this is disgusting!!! 'Martini, good choice,' Jason says, making fun of my reaction to the gross taste.

The girls slide into the conversation, ignoring me claiming my mans. 'Come on Jason, let's get out of here... you don't want this whack looking bitch around.' One of them says,

'Why don't YOU get the f*ck out of here before I put a bullet through you sluts' brains!' He shouts, the girls now scared, scurrying away.

Jason then turns to me, a smirk on his face, then taking a loooong sip of his whisky.

'What?' I ask timidly, he looks at me again, with an even bigger smirk.

'What?' I ask again, a little more confidently.

'Your jealously entertains me,' He says

'What do you mean?... No. I wasn't jealous of them...' I say

'What did I say? No lying,'


*more silence*

'Ok maybe they were a bit annoying,' Jason laughs, gazing into my eyes and squeezing my ass.

Those girls were desperate for him, they just want his power and money, unlike me, I just want him. All to myself.

An older man, looking out of place here, strides confidently over to me and Jason in our little love fest. He stops in front of us, and Jason stands up to greet him, bringing me up as well.

'Graham! Great to see you again, can't say that I expected to see you here!' Jason says, shaking his hand. Graham looks over to me, a glint of sadness in his eyes.

'Sage Tierson, a pleasure to meet you, I'm Graham Winthrop,' how does he know my name??? He turns to Jason, commanding, 'We need to talk Jason, now,'

'We were just leaving Graham, maybe another time'

'I said now Jason. If you deny me again, we will no longer be doing business together,' Graham threatens. They stare at each other, as if fighting telepathically.

Wow. This guy really has some balls to boss Jason around like that.

'Fine, I'll meet you in the back,' Jason says defiantly

'With Sage,' Graham growls

Jason looks at me, in a way I've never seen. He's scared.

'We'll see you there in 10,' he spits

'Don't be late,' he commands, glaring at Jason, then smiling at me, before walking away.

Hey everyone,

Thanks so much for reading, I'm really excited about the next stage of this story, I look forward to seeing your reactions!!

Please vote and comment if u enjoyed💜💜

Xxx Jennyyyyy 122k 🥰😘

gang leader's prisoner (18+)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt