12: Silk Robe

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Sage's POV:

'I'll be back tomorrow, don't fuck her up.' Jason barks at the lady next to me, then turns to me 'Behave yourself.'

My body shivers from the metal chair I'm restrained to. The lady beside me has warm skin and curly dark hair, she's really pretty... and hot.

Ugh shut up.

Last I remember is Jason holding his gun to my head in that alley, now I'm here.

'So,' the lady says, 'I'm Becky, Jason's told me to clean you up for him.'

She looks in her twenties, maybe she'll help me-

'I'm not going to help you, so don't bother asking me to let you go.' She recites, 'You're not the first kidnapped girl I've worked on, and you won't be the last. I'll be killed if I let you escape, I'm just here for my money k?'

I nod, my mouth constrained by duck tape.

'Good, now time to begin.' She clicks a button that opens my metal restraints 'Don't try anything stupid Jason put guards outside.' She leads me to a plain white tiled room, a shower head and stool in the corner.

'Strip,' She says, unamused, 'then sit there,' she says pointing to the stool before leaving the room.

Oh my god..... I don't wanna be nakedddd in front of her ewww

Becky returns with a trolley of various beautician tools and lotion bottles.

'Arms by your side....' she sighs and rolling her eyes. 'My clients don't want anyone to play with their toys. That's why they employ me, a straight girl who can keep her mouth shut. For a price of course, now stop being a pest!'

Becky scrubs my filthy body free from the dirt I've accumulated over the last day. I loose count of the soaps, exfoliants moisturisers she puts on my hair and skin.

I guess this is just another Tuesday for Becky, she's dressed in casual clothes while I'm literally butt naked.

Becky wraps my hair in a towel and starts scanning my body with a laser device. She still hasn't taken the duct tape off my mouth yet....

'Good, you're clear. I really didn't feel like extracting today.' then ripping the duct tape off my mouth.

'Ow!' I sequel

'If you complain again I'm putting it back on,' Becky warns

She throws me a towel and tells me to dry myself. After, Becky passes me a robe and slippers to wear before leading me back to the metal chair. While I get comfy in the seat again, she says

'You have to be asleep for the next stage so night night,' she puts a gas mask over my face and I drift away...


I don't how long it's been, but the natural light that used to filter down from the warehouse windows is replaced by artificial yellow lights.

There's pain in my stomach, a slicing feeling near my hip and a buzzing sound. I see Becky's face at the base of my vision and the pain and noise halt.

'Oh you're awake, just in time for waxing!'

Ahhh shit.


After facials, mani pedis, plucking, waxing, and everything you can think of, Becky finally seems to be finished.

'It's pretty late, and you need your beauty sleep, follow me,' She leads me to a small bedroom. I hear her lock the door on the way out.

I'm trapped

'There's cameras in here that Jason has access to, he will be watching, so just go to sleep,' Becky reminds me


Wtf has happened to me?

What is this place???

I should just go... to.... sleee.....p.....

gang leader's prisoner (18+)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt