Chapter 50

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Sage's POV:

'If I'm being honest, I wasn't expecting to see you alive Sage,'

'I didn't expect to see you again either Becky,'

Jason left me here with Becky a few hours ago, she's teaching me how to disguise myself.

'I'm being serious, I expected him to be bringing in a new girl yesterday! How are you alive Sage?' She asks, genuinely confused.

'Umm, I don't know... I don't think he wants to kill me??' I reply

'Jason has killed more people than you've met, there's no way he hasn't lost control around you, you haven't pissed him off?'

I think back to my time spent with Jason... 'Well there was that time he shot my leg, and that other time he beat me up....'

'Jason doesn't give second chances, how are you not dead?' Becky demands. I think of something, then smirk.

'Well, we fucked? If that means anything,' I say casually

'Girrrrrl, you should have just said. I get it now,'


'Anyway,' she interjects, 'The first thing we need to do to change your appearance is to change your hair,'

'Ok, Purple?'

'No, it has to look natural silly!! Or people will know you've dyed it,'

'Oh, ok,'

'How about we lighten your hair, and change up the shape?'

'Sure, please don't make me ugly tho,' I say

'I wouldn't DARE, I'm a professional,' Becky says proudly 'maybe a bit of a perm too,'

After she finishes with my hair, I ask, 'What's next?' She smiles, 'Glasses?'

'No!' Becky seems offended by my suggestion, 'you must really think I am a rookie... No, glasses are too obvious as well, and besides, makeup does a way better job,'

'But what if it's raining or something?' I ask

'That's why we're doing semi-permanent makeup, Jason has forbidden me from doing any plastic surgery or filler on you, so this will just have to do,' She sighs, pulling out tattoo gun. She notices my staring and says.

'We're not tatting up your face, it's for micro-blading.'

'Micro- what?' I ask

'It's for your eyebrows, I'm changing their shape a bit,' Becky sighs, she seems tired of me now. 'Later, I'm also going to add some freckles and tint your eyelashes and lips. Also, I'm not your makeup artist, I'm showing you how to, very suitably, change your face with makeup,'


'But you had better be amazing at convincing people you're not Sage Tierson, because, without any plastic surgery, people are still going to recognise you, baby. So, tell me about yourself,'

'Hi Becky, I'm Paige! Paige Williams,' I say, practising my acting.

'Hey.. you look a bit like that girl that went missing.... what was her name...' Becky asks, playing along.

'Sage Tierson. Yes, people always say that about me, it's kind of embarrassing haha.'

'It's so sad about that girl, I that she's hope she's ok, and gets home soon,' Becky looks deep into my eyes, sincerely, telling me to read between the lines.

'Yeah, I hope so too,'


The day has finally come!!! My debut! Graham is coming to take me to his friend's wedding anniversary celebration. I'm extremely nervous but I'm also excited, I'll get to meet people, and be a little bit normal!! Instead of 'killer bosses girlfriend that if you disrespect, you disrespect the boss!' or even 'Poor girl kidnapped by Jason,' I just get to be Sage! Well... Paige.

gang leader's prisoner (18+)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara