Chapter 19

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Sage's POV

We go to his apartment, walking past the many guards standing in the hallways, guarding doors or working in this labyrinth.

He's holding my arm tightly, pulling me along roughly, making me stumble even more. What if he kills me tonight.... Fu*ks me then disposes of my body... I'm scared of what he's gonna do to me...

'That really was your first drink,' he says smirking at me, 'You're stumbling around like you're hammereddd but you've only had a fewww,' he slurs while unlocking the apartment door.

'I'm not the only one smashed,' slips out of my unusually honest lips, followed with a giggle. Oh no, it'll be worse if he's drunk and angry...

He seems to ignore my comment and leads me into the living room, plonking himself on the couch and pulling my hips down with him. 'We're watching TV,' he states, fiddling with the control, what is he trying to say??

He wraps his muscled arms around my waist and he rests his head on my shoulder, 'mine,' he mumbles to himself, continuing to fumble with the remote, changing the tv channels. This action makes me even more tense, my body stiffening up.

'Calmmm dowwwwn baby, jus' chilllllll,' He says, noticing my reaction. I try to loosen myself up but this only makes me more conscious of his control over me. My hands begin quivering with fear, I'm gonna die tonight.... in one way or another.

He finally settles on an action movie, plenty of blood and gore to make me feel queasy. It continues on, now they're in a desert. wow.

This is boring, maybe I can avoid all the shit to come if I just go to bed. So I begin to get up, to leave, which is quickly followed with his arms pulling me back down on his lap.
'Where do you think you're going?' He booms, obviously not done with me yet.
'Um-m, t-to my r-room.... to sl-leep?' I reply terrified.
'No, we're watching this movie Sage,'
'O-ok, sorry Si- I mean, Jason,'

We continue watching the god awful movie, how can this be entertaining? Maybe I'm just unable to enjoy it because of my stress levels at the moment.

He then shifts himself to be lying down on the couch, adjusting my position as well. We're now spooning... (oh no)... his arms wrapped firmly around my waist.

I then feel his jaw move and his lips plant on my neck.
'I have to return the service,' he mumbles before kissing my neck. It feels... good... ugh I should be hating him!! I feel very uncomfortable, what if he goes further further??!! His lips continue to suck my neck, starting and stopping in different places.

I just lay there, terrified and slightly aroused, of what he is going to do to me. I begin to mentally prepare myself for what is coming... but the thought of it makes my nerves go off even more.

I can't do this, I can't. What am I doing here? Where am I? Why is this happening to me?? God... please? Please don't let him ra-

'What's going on with you?' Jason asks hostilely. I got so caught up in my thoughts and emotions that I didn't even realise that Jason has stopped and is looking over me, with a glint of concern in his eyes.
'Ahh nothingggg, it's ok.' I say
'Do not lie to me,' He says
'Ummm,' noticing the tears running down my face. 'I'm just... I don't think I'm ready to, to do *that*,' I look at him desperately, pleading for him not to hurt me. Silence.

'BAHAHAHHA' Jason laughs, I'm confused.... 'You... think... I was gonna rape you??? HAHAHA,' I look at him for an answer, why is he laughing?
'I'm sorry, I just...' He laughs again, 'I'm not gonna fucking rape you ok? I have hoes if I wanna fuck someone, girls who are dying to get on my dick. I'm not into it if a girl isn't into it either, ok?' I nod in response.

'And for the record, I'm not gonna kill you either, not unless you provoke me.' Jason goes on, 'I spent way too much fucking resources on getting you, to just throw you away.' He laughs again, 'Go make me a pbj, ah, that shit is hilarious,'
'Ok' I reply, his hold on me loosens, and I stand up, he turns me towards him,
'And don't forget to toast the bread,'

Hey guys,

I'm so sorry for the ghosting recently, I've had a lot of work but it's gonna settle down soon, so consistent updates soon!! Please vote and comment if you enjoyed!!

Xxx Jennyyy

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